You will need to go to your report in Visual Studio and create a Main Report & a Sub Report.
The main report you will need to add a table and add a Subreport Item inside one of the data rows
Trim the rows and columns so it looks like this:
in the dataset of the Main Report add:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<fetch distinct="false" mapping="logical" output-format="xml-platform" version="1.0">
<entity name="quote" enableprefiltering="1">
<attribute name="quoteid" />
Right click the Sub Report and in the General properties choose your sub report
Now go to your Sub report and create a new parameter called QuoteID and add the Quote Guid you are using and add it as a default value.
The Sub Report would be the report you are working on now.
Then in your fetchxml for the subreport. Instead filtering by a specific Quote GUID, you will instead replace it with @QuoteID in your datasets
<filter type="and">
<condition attribute="quoteid" operator="eq" value="@QuoteID" />
Now go back into the Main Report and right click the subreport and add this parameter:
Instead if you want to filter by the customer you can just edit above to look at accountid etc.
When it comes to uploading make sure to make the main report visible and hide the subreport. There will be a guide on how to upload the report somewhere.
Hopefully you can now run quote reports on specific customer accounts.