RE: Dynamics SL not printing out SS Wages or SS Tax Withheld. Comes out during payroll but not on W2
Nathan, sorry about the typo in my SQL command. I am starting to feel at a loss as to what your issue might be since I have clients using SL 2015 who do not have your stated issue. This is a bit of a stretch but did you uncheck the protect edited fields when you calculated W2s (just in case the system thought those fields were edited). I am not thinking this will help since the 941s did not show correctly either. The other odd fact is that I believe you stated that the earlier 941s for 2016 were correct and now, if you run them again, they are not correct. That means something in the data has changed.
I am afraid that, at this point, you will need someone to look at your data tables. Do you have a Dynamics SL partner that you work with that can do this. If not, let me know and, perhaps, I can do a remote with you to take a look.