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Invalid and @odata.editLink for BillOfMaterialsVersionsV3 entity

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I have been trying to update the entity 'BillOfMaterialsVersionsV3' in MSDynamics365 Finance and Operations through odata olingo.
However, I found that the edit link and id given for this entity is invalid. It gives HTTP Response as 400 with bad request as shown below:
The invalid @odata.editLink and retrieved through MSDynamics365 are:
/ /'usmf',ManufacturedItemNumber='4401',BOMId='000021',ProductionSiteId='1',ProductConfigurationId='',ProductColorId='Green',ProductSizeId='',ProductStyleId='',ProductVersionId='',IsActive=Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Xpp.NoYes'Yes',ValidFromDate=1900-01-01T12:00:00Z,FromQuantity=1)/

/@odata.editLink/: /./BillOfMaterialsVersionsV3(dataAreaId='usmf',ManufacturedItemNumber='4401',BOMId='000021',ProductionSiteId='1',ProductConfigurationId='',ProductColorId='Green',ProductSizeId='',ProductStyleId='',ProductVersionId='',IsActive=Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Xpp.NoYes'Yes',ValidFromDate=1900-01-01T12:00:00Z,FromQuantity=1)/
Also, here the observation is that the edit link is starting with /.// characters, which is not usually observed in any entity, is there any significance for the same.
How can we get correct @odata.editLink for this entity, as we need it to perform update and delete operation through odata olingo.
Note: we have also tried replace the IsActive attribute value with /Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Xpp.NoYes'Yes'/ inorder to have correct enum value, but still no luck.
Any lead will be helpful.
Thanks in Advance.
  • Invalid and @odata.editLink for BillOfMaterialsVersionsV3 entity

    Hi Bharani,

    Please ignore the earlier reply, due to some glitch it was not posted properly.

    We are trying to update the entity using a PATCH request from POSTMAN, for this as per my understanding we need to uniquely identify the record using the  (which contains all the entity key attribute and dataAreaID ) as shown below :


     / /'usmf',ManufacturedItemNumber='4401',BOMId='000021',ProductionSiteId='1',ProductConfigurationId='',ProductColorId='Green',ProductSizeId='',ProductStyleId='',ProductVersionId='',IsActive=Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Xpp.NoYes'Yes',ValidFromDate=1900-01-01T12:00:00Z,FromQuantity=1)/

    When we try to hit this url from browser we get the This actually throws 400 HTTP error as mentioned above.

    Am I missing anything or is there any other way to update using patch without an ?



  • Invalid and @odata.editLink for BillOfMaterialsVersionsV3 entity
    Hi Bharani,
    We are trying to update the entity using a PATCH request from POSTMAN, for this as per my understanding we need to uniquely identify the record using the  (which contains all the entity key attribute and dataAreaID ) as shown below 
    When we try to hit this url from browser, it actually throws 500 HTTP error as mentioned above.

    Am I missing anything or is there any other way to update using patch without an ?

    Any help will be appreciated.
  • Bharani Preetham Peraka Profile Picture
    Bharani Preetham Pe... 3,587 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    Invalid and @odata.editLink for BillOfMaterialsVersionsV3 entity
    If you want to update an entity, have you tried the same from postman using patch/post request?

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