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Using FilterPageBuilder to filter records as an input to a query - is it possible

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Hi Experts,
I am extracting data from Posted Sales Invoices (Headers & Lines) that is displayed on a page so the users can then extract out to Excel.
I have set up a query that outputs to a temp file and built a new page that displays only specific fields. This all works fine.
What I would like to do now is filter the data based on user entered data on opening of the page, eg a range of invoice numbers, and only have this filtered data be used by the query and then output on the page. I have attempted to use FilterPageBuilder on a Page Extension of the new Page to achieve this but I am getting a /table ids do not match/ error.
Is what I am trying to do achievable?
Below is the code I have written and thanks in advance
pageextension 50110 InvoiceforWarehouseFilePageExt extends /Posted Sales Invoices/
action(/Invoices for Warehouse File List/)
Caption = 'Invoices for Warehouse File';
ApplicationArea = All;
Promoted = true;
PromotedCategory = Process;
PromotedIsBig = true;
trigger OnAction()
varFilterPageBuilder: FilterPageBuilder;
PostedInvoiceList: Record /Sales Invoice Header/;
varFilterPageBuilder.AddRecord('Sales Invoice Header Table', PostedInvoiceList);
varFilterPageBuilder.Addfield('Sales Invoice Header Table', PostedInvoiceList./No./);
varFilterPageBuilder.PageCaption := 'Posted Invoices for Warehouse Filter Page';
if varFilterPageBuilder.RunModal() then begin
PostedInvoiceList.SetView(varFilterPageBuilder.GetView('Sales Invoice Header Table'));
//Page.Run(Page::/InvoicesforWarehouseFilePage/, PostedInvoiceList);
page 50100 /InvoicesforWarehouseFilePage/
Caption = 'Invoices for Warehouse File';
PageType = List;
UsageCategory = Lists;
ApplicationArea = All;
SourceTable = /InvoicesforWarehouseFileTemp/;
Editable = false;
field(/Order Number/; Rec./DocumentNo/)
ApplicationArea = All;
field(/Ship-to-Name/; Rec./Ship-to-Name/)
ApplicationArea = All;
field(/Customer PO/; Rec./External Document No/)
ApplicationArea = All;
field(/Address 1/; Rec./Ship-to Address/)
ApplicationArea = All;
field(/Address 2/; Rec./Ship-to Address 2/)
ApplicationArea = All;
field(/Address 3/; Rec./Ship-to Address 3/)
ApplicationArea = All;
field(/Suburb/; Rec./Ship-to City/)
ApplicationArea = All;
field(/State/; Rec./Ship-to County/)
ApplicationArea = All;
field(/Postcode/; Rec./Ship-to Post Code/)
ApplicationArea = All;
field(/Contact/; Rec./Sell-to Contact/)
ApplicationArea = All;
field(/Phone/; Rec./Sell-to Phone No./)
ApplicationArea = All;
field(/Contact Email/; Rec./Sell-to E-Mail/)
ApplicationArea = All;
field(/Instructions/; Rec./Shipping Instructions/)
ApplicationArea = All;
field(/Carrier/; Rec./Shipment Method Code/)
ApplicationArea = All;
field(/Product Code/; Rec./Product Code/)
ApplicationArea = All;
field(/Quantity/; Rec./Quantity/)
ApplicationArea = All;
trigger OnOpenPage()
InvoicesforWarehouseFileQuery: Query InvoicesforWarehouseFileQuery;
if InvoicesforWarehouseFileQuery.Open() then begin
while InvoicesforWarehouseFileQuery.Read()
do begin
Rec.RowNo := Rec.RowNo + 1;
Rec.DocumentNo := InvoicesforWarehouseFileQuery.DocumentNo;
Rec./External Document No/ := InvoicesforWarehouseFileQuery.External_Document_No_;
Rec./Ship-to-Name/ := InvoicesforWarehouseFileQuery.ShiptoName;
Rec./Ship-to Address/ := InvoicesforWarehouseFileQuery.ShiptoAddress;
Rec./Ship-to Address 2/ := InvoicesforWarehouseFileQuery.ShiptoAddress2;
Rec./Ship-to Address 3/ := InvoicesforWarehouseFileQuery.ShiptoAddress3;
Rec./Ship-to City/ := InvoicesforWarehouseFileQuery.ShiptoCity;
Rec./Ship-to County/ := InvoicesforWarehouseFileQuery.ShiptoCounty;
Rec./Ship-to Post Code/ := InvoicesforWarehouseFileQuery.ShiptoPostCode;
Rec./Sell-to Contact/ := InvoicesforWarehouseFileQuery.SelltoContact;
Rec./Sell-to Phone No./ := InvoicesforWarehouseFileQuery.SelltoPhoneNo;
Rec./Sell-to E-Mail/ := InvoicesforWarehouseFileQuery.SelltoEMail;
Rec./Shipping Instructions/ := InvoicesforWarehouseFileQuery.Shipping_Instructions;
Rec./Shipment Method Code/ := InvoicesforWarehouseFileQuery.ShipmentMethodCode;
Rec./Product Code/ := InvoicesforWarehouseFileQuery.No_;
Rec./Quantity/ := InvoicesforWarehouseFileQuery.Quantity;
  • Suggested answer
    Using FilterPageBuilder to filter records as an input to a query - is it possible
    Many thanks ZHU,
    I was hoping there may have been a way to use the temp table containing the Invoice(s) number that my FilterPageBuilder creates and then use these to filter on the query to restrict the records. Perhaps an idea for further research / development at a later time :)
  • Verified answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 76,064 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    Using FilterPageBuilder to filter records as an input to a query - is it possible
    Hi, as far as I know this can't be done. Only tables can be added.
    So it is recommended to create a report to do it.
    Hope this helps.

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