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Form accessibility

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Dear all, 

I hope you are well, i am facing an issue, actually we have 5 teams who use the same project create form. Unfortunately each team use only a specific part of the fields required for them, therefore we are obliged to display every fields and let them fill the ones that they have to. 

Is there a better way to give for example Form A with only required fields of the Team A to team A , Form B with only required fields of the Team B to team B ...etc

I know it can be achieved through security roles, but all users use the same one ;) 

Best regards,

  • Suggested answer
    David Yu Profile Picture
    David Yu on at
    RE: Form accessibility


    I'd suggest you use onload JS for different form to set field required level as requested.


    For more information, please check the following document.

  • Suggested answer
    Torrado Profile Picture
    Torrado 1,270 on at
    RE: Form accessibility


    You will need to evaluate the effort between maintaining multiple Forms vs developing custom logic to hide the fields/sections/etc. based on security roles of the user.

    If the differences (fields/sections/etc.) between the multiple roles are big, probably you should go for the solution of having multiple forms. Also thinking about the user experience, by keeping the forms clean and simple.

    If it's just about a small number of fields, you can evaluate the option of hide/show them using custom logic.

    Hope this helps you.

    Please mark the answer as verified if helpful. That will help others in future.

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