Hi, All.
I hava a issue which i'd like to solve.
See the picture below as examples for more info.
When doing an Excel import, I get the error: The type NavInteger is unknown.
The point where the error occurs is where the Get method is called.
Here is the source code:
page 50001 "Sales Order Import Management"
//The error occurs here.
if SalesOrderImportBuffer_R.Get(GetValueAtIndex(RowNo, 1), GetValueAtIndex(RowNo, 2)) then begin
Evaluate(SalesOrderImportBuffer_R."Sell-to Customer No.", GetValueAtIndex(RowNo, 2));
SalesOrderImportBuffer_R.Validate("Sell-to Customer No.");
Evaluate(SalesOrderImportBuffer_R."Document No.", GetValueAtIndex(RowNo, 3));
SalesOrderImportBuffer_R.Validate("Document No.");
//GetValueAtIndex Method
local procedure GetValueAtIndex(RowNo: Integer; ColNo: Integer): Text
if Rec_ExcelBuffer.Get(RowNo, ColNo) then
exit(Rec_ExcelBuffer."Cell Value as Text");
Here is the the primary key:
keys { key(Key1; "Entry No.", "Sell-to Customer No.") { } }
I would appreciate it if I could get your advice. Thank you.