We are running GP 2013. Recently, we updated our Unit of Measure Schedules. We were not utilizing this extremely helpful tool! We have it working and we are loving the inventory management benefits of having this set up. However, we just ran into an issue, and was seeking insight!
We are shipping product daily as our business model. In order to correctly create shipping labels, you must provide dimensions and weight to shipper in order to get the correct shipping cost as well as avoid reweighing fees from the shippers. When we did not have UOM schedules and just set up each item as an each...the weight and dimensions were correct when you enter an order because it would use the QTY ordered X the weight and dims of that item to get a more accurate weight and dim to create shipping labels.
Is there a way to set up weight and dims for ALL UOM options in a schedule? Or is there a setting that will calculate the correct weight and dims using the base UOM multiplied by the UOM selected.
So for example:
We offer a product as an each. The case QTY is 25 eaches. The UOM options for this product are now EACH or CASE25. The EACH option is the Base UOM and we have the ability to set the weight and Dims for the base UOM, but the CASE25 options when entered in sales order...does not update the weight and dims to reflect the 25 eaches. It is showing the base UOM weight and dim.
Is there a setting or solution to this issue?
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