Hi all,
Let me preface this post that I recently graduated from my BBA and started employment with an organization in their accounts payable department. They are using Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0 and I am just getting used to using it so I really have no idea how to do any of the advanced things yet.
At the beginning of the current year they changed everything over to a new chart of accounts and paid off the majority of any outstanding invoices left over from the previous chart of accounts, however there were 4 vendors that had beginning balances for 2014. They lumped it all together as the beginning balance for the Accounts Payable GL account. I was recently given the task of trying to find a way to get those starting balances reflected on the respective vendor sub-ledgers. The first issue I am having is being unable to see a list of all invoices and payments for a specific vendor for a date range. I found this blog post http://community.dynamics.com/gp/b/gpmohammad/archive/2012/01/29/vendor-statement-with-analytical-accounting-information.aspx but have no idea how to implement it. It seems like that script would allow me to run a report similar to an aged trial balance but for all transactions for a vendor and showing what the beginning balance at the start of the date range would be. A vendor statement report would be very useful to me outside of this task as well, so creating a custom report to do so would be helpful, although I have no experience with Report Writer either.
My second issue is how to modify the vendor information to reflect a starting balance, especially when 3 of them show a $0.00 net change balance under the vendor summary. I would assume that if I could add a starting balance to the vendors it would end up making them unbalanced.
Any and all help is appreciated. I am quite new at using GP and am trying to figure things out as I go. Thank you in advance.
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