We get a lot of invoices thru EDI
and, on the edi transactions... we are provided a total for the invoices, and that's what will need to be paid
we get discounts percentages on what we order based on list_price
so.. we may have an item, whose Net cost would be 11.224
If we order two of these... it would be 22.448 - or 22.45
we get an error saying
Error Number = 4797 Stored Procedure= taPopEnterMatchInvHdr Error Description = Subtotal (SUBTOTAL) does not match the line item totals
Node Identifier Parameters: taPopEnterMatchInvHdr
is there a way in econnect, that we can either keep the significance? or... somehow match things up properly?
or, do we need to try to talk to our vendors
I believe our significance settings is set to 2 decimal places...
can this be changed just for econnect?
or, will this make the problem worse?
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