However, if I filter back in time, there is a mismatch between what I calculate and what the report shows. I assume there is a logic I am missing, can anyone please advice?
This is my PowerBI measure to calculate the InventoryValue based on the InventTrans data.
InventoryValue =
VAR SelectedDate = [SelectedDate]
('InventTrans'[StatusIssue] IN {"None", "Sold"} &&
'InventTrans'[StatusReceipt] IN {"None", "Purchased"}) &&
('InventTrans'[DateFinancial] <= SelectedDate &&
'InventTrans'[DateFinancial] <> DATE(1900,1,1) + TIME(12,0,0)),
'InventTrans'[CostAmountPosted] + 'InventTrans'[CostAmountAdjustment],
('InventTrans'[StatusIssue] IN {"None", "Sold" , "Deducted"} &&
'InventTrans'[StatusReceipt] IN {"None", "Purchased", "Received"}) &&
'InventTrans'[DatePhysical] <= SelectedDate,
"For each row, sum the CostAmountPosted + CostAmountAdjustment if there is a DateFinancial and its before the currently selected date and the transaction's status is Sold or Purchased.
Else, if the DatePhysical is before the SelectedDate and matches as Sold/Deducted and Purchased/Received, then use just CostAmountPhysical"
I have created a filtering DateFilter column with the following logic:
WHEN it.DateFinancial <> '1900-01-01 12:00:00 +00:00' AND it.DateFinancial < it.DatePhysical
THEN it.DateFinancial
ELSE it.DatePhysical
END AS datetimeoffset
) AS DateFilter
"If there is a DateFinancial and it's before the DatePhysical, then this will be where my transaction's date becomes valid, else use DatePhysical"With this, DateFilter is used to filter down the transactions rows which were available on a certain SelectedDate.
I think there is an addittional logic on when to sum the AdjustmentCost probably. Thanks in advance for your help! :D