I believe I posted this question some time ago, and the answer was that I needed to apply patches to Mgmt Reporter, as I was on a very old version. Well, I successfully patched up to CU 15 this weekend, including the subsequent Hot Fixes, so I am completely up-to-date on Management Reporter 2012.
The following error persists, even after successfully patching MR:
Whenever the services get recycled, for whatever reason, reboot, etc. at the initial start up I receive the following error:
Cannot open database "ManagementReporterDM" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'sa'. Cannot open database "ManagementReporterDM" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'sa'.
Component: Microsoft.Dynamics.Integration.Common.TraceLog
User: XXXXX\MRService
This is strange because the Data Mart database in my installation of Mgmt Report is NOT named ManagementReporterDM, it is named MRDM. I did not perform the installation of MR in this case, it was done by a GP Partner who is no longer working with the company.
I cannot understand why MR is looking for this database name. I cannot find it referred to in any config files, etc. Its almost like it is tripping up in the beginning because the Data Mart database is not named with the expected default name.
I do not think this error is catastrophic because everything works, but, I would really like to know why this happens and fix it so that it doesn't cause any problems down the road.
I have thoroughly looked through config files and the ManagementReporter database and I CANNOT FIND any reference to the "ManagementReporterDM" database ANYWHERE.
Does anyone have any idea why it is doing this?
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