We are looking to limit the years of data into the DataMart. Is there a script to assist with this?
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We are looking to limit the years of data into the DataMart. Is there a script to assist with this?
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To limit a single Microsoft Dynamics SL application database, follow these steps:
1. Log on to SQL Server Management Studio, open a query window, and then select the database.
2. Paste the following into the query window. IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID('dbo.Get_MR_FiscalYear_Start')) DROP Procedure dbo.Get_MR_FiscalYear_Start GO Create Proc Get_MR_FiscalYear_Start as Select '2009' GO Grant Execute on [Get_MR_FiscalYear_Start] to [E8F575915A2E4897A517779C0DD7CE] GO 3. Change the year shown to the start fiscal year limit that you want to specify. For example, if you specify 2009, the Management Reporter reports will include data from fiscal year 2009 and later.
4. Run the SQL statement. To limit all Microsoft Dynamics SL databases, follow these steps:
1. Locate the MRServiceHost.settings.config file, and then edit the file in Notepad. The default location of the file is <Program Files>\Microsoft Dynamics ERP\Management Reporter\2.1\Server\Services. Note: You must install the Management Reporter Server component first.
2. Add a line that resembles the following. <add key="IntegrationFiscalYearStart" value="2009" />
3. Change the year shown to the start fiscal year limit that you want to specify. For example, if you specify 2009, the Management Reporter reports will include data from fiscal year 2009 and later.
4. Save the changes to the MRServiceHost.settings.config file.
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