Dear Experts,
We are using CRM for quite some time and now planning it to integrate with some other .net inhouse applications.
Basically the idea is to connect crm from custom app, fetch some data and update some date through custom webservice and within webserivce we will use CRMService account credentials which will fetch the data from CRM and update in CRM.
but before we move ahead we need to know is there any kind of licensing is required to do this kind of integration as that .net application users are not CRM users.
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Sure let's wait for experts to comment!
Thanks Rawish,
That’s pretty useful info.
Let’s try to find any documentation we can find from Microsoft on this, as my licensing team is more concern on clear evidence where Microsoft has quoted this scenario or similar to this.
May be folks from Microsoft would like to give their comment or guide us through.
as far as i understood, this line simply means to connect to dynamics crm a user should be there. I.e any system admin user which you use for integration.
Its literally like any other user In crm performing create, update, delete tasks in day to day life. There is no differentiation as such between a normal user and an integration user. If you have user licenses left - create any number of users in crm be it normal or for integration. but if you dont have any more licenses left - you might to purchase some more licenses etc. which is nothing but getting more CAL. You can even remove license from Inactivate users and assign to new ones.
I have no comments from MS - I am telling you based on my experience and seeing other projects.
Dear Rawish,
Thanks for quick input.
But when we went through the MS CRM licensing PDF , it says any Direct or indirect access to CRM data needs a user license, which is why we are getting confused whether we are allowed to use one service account in our custom application which will fetch the data and update the same back to CRM (that data is being updated by non crm users from .net custom application).
Do you have any comments from Microsoft on this?
Hi There,
You dont need any kind of "extra" feature/licensing to usitilize the feature. Please go ahead and integrate your dynamics CRM with any number of other systems.
If you other .net applications running and it connects to dynamics crm. You can use some standard account for integration purpose.
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