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Microsoft Dynamics SL (Archived)

maximum number of users Dynamics SL 2015

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

I have recently upgraded to SL2015 on three separate companies. Now I'm having a problem with users on one of the companies getting the 'You have reached the maximum number of users. We have not had an increase in the number of user after the upgrade.

The other two companies have a similar number of users and no problem is experienced.

I have tried to repeat the upgrade but to no avail. I have also tried to apply the registration keys again but there's no change.

Please help.

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  • PatG Profile Picture
    PatG on at
    RE: maximum number of users Dynamics SL 2015

    Actually the user count based upon the data in this thread is 6.  It's not a count of User IDs, rather InternetAddress (machine names).  RACHEL is in two different machines (EUNICE01Console & PPLSALES06Console).  

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: maximum number of users Dynamics SL 2015

    this may be a little late, but are the clients getting this on all the modules when they open up, or only when a specific number of users access?

    I would go into the SL data and delete the record in the system database, then I would go back into registration and change the phone number, or something and save. from there a new SL data should be recreated, I would change the information back to the original found in the registration for the company. This should properly update that part of the registration. I noticed this from some previous upgrades and found this to be a great work around. You might need to export your keys and re-import them if you get a unlocking error. 

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: maximum number of users Dynamics SL 2015

    That is correct

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: maximum number of users Dynamics SL 2015

    Thank You for the Details.

    I am also getting the same Error "You have reached the maximum number of users.", where can i find the Maximum Users allowed. Is it on the registration Screen -> Module tab -> Authorized Users. ?

  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: maximum number of users Dynamics SL 2015

    I never paid any attention to that field before but, running some tests, it appears that this field reflects the number of SL screens open for that user based on other entries in the Access table.  So, for example, if a user opens the chart of accounts screen as the first screen, that field contains a 1.  If, while that chart of accounts screen is still open that same user opens the journal transaction screen, the entry in the Access table will have a value of 2.

    So, it appears that each time a new line is added to the Access table, by the opening of a menu item, this field is incremented by 1 for each individual user.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: maximum number of users Dynamics SL 2015

    What are the number in SessionCntr field means..?

    why im asking is in our company some people have like 207, 199 while others have 1,2 in that field.

  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: maximum number of users Dynamics SL 2015

    The content of the table tells me that you have 5 active users and are, therefore, at your license limit.  You will notice that there are actually 7 user ids showing (not counting the Master Access user).  The reason that you see 7 is that SL does not count a user who only has the SL menu open as an active user.  Both Rachel and Emma are such users.  However, if they do try to select an item from the menu, they will get the exceeded licensed user message.  The other users have multiple menu items open, some from more than one location.  Rachel, for example, has the 40110 screen open from 2 different internet addresses and appears to have the same menu item (40110) opened more than once at that location.  The other possibility is more than one user is using the same SL user id.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: maximum number of users Dynamics SL 2015

    I am getting this message after some people have gotten in. I have run the same select statement and I can see 28 records including the MasterAccess userId.

    The registration screen indicates 5 authorised users. I have had these number even before the upgrade. What does this exactly mean? Tried to insert the data but it appears very large.


    AccessDate AccessNbr CompanyID DatabaseName InternetAddress ScrnNbr SessionCntr UserId tstamp
    19/01/2016 0:00 25652 PPL        PPLAPP2013                     MANISHAConsole        MENU  0 CREDIT CONTROLLER 2                             0x0000000000A29D21
    19/01/2016 0:00 25652 PPL        PPLAPP2013                     MANISHAConsole        8260 9 CREDIT CONTROLLER 2                             0x0000000000A2A21A
    19/01/2016 0:00 25647 PPL        PPLAPP2013                     DAMARIS01Console      MENU  0 DAMARIS                                         0x0000000000A29CEF
    19/01/2016 0:00 25651 PPL        PPLAPP2013                     DAMARIS01Console      8260 53 DAMARIS                                         0x0000000000A2A340
    19/01/2016 0:00 25651 PPL        PPLAPP2013                     DAMARIS01Console      8600 54 DAMARIS                                         0x0000000000A2A355
    19/01/2016 0:00 25651 PPL        PPLAPP2013                     DAMARIS01Console      8600 55 DAMARIS                                         0x0000000000A2A35D
    19/01/2016 0:00 25653 PPL        PPLAPP2013                     APOLA01Console        MENU  0 DOROTHY                                         0x0000000000A29D26
    19/01/2016 0:00 25653 PPL        PPLAPP2013                     APOLA01Console        8010 1 DOROTHY                                         0x0000000000A29D29
    19/01/2016 0:00 25653 PPL        PPLAPP2013                     APOLA01Console        8660 6 DOROTHY                                         0x0000000000A29D37
    19/01/2016 0:00 25653 PPL        PPLAPP2013                     APOLA01Console        8600 7 DOROTHY                                         0x0000000000A29DB3
    19/01/2016 0:00 25653 PPL        PPLAPP2013                     APOLA01Console        8050 24 DOROTHY                                         0x0000000000A2A38F
    19/01/2016 0:00 25657 PPL        PPLAPP2013                     EMMAConsole           MENU  0 EMMA                                            0x0000000000A2A217
    19/01/2016 0:00 25656 PPL        PPLAPP2013                     GABRIEL01Console      MENU  0 GABRIEL                                         0x0000000000A29F2A
    19/01/2016 0:00 25656 PPL        PPLAPP2013                     GABRIEL01Console      10842 1 GABRIEL                                         0x0000000000A29F2C
    19/01/2016 0:00 25656 PPL        PPLAPP2013                     GABRIEL01Console      10630 3 GABRIEL                                         0x0000000000A2A017
    19/01/2016 0:00 25646 PPL        PPLAPP2013                     LEWIS01Console        MENU  0 LEWIS                                           0x0000000000A29C8E
    19/01/2016 0:00 583                                                                       0 MasterAccess                                    0x0000000000A2A390
    19/01/2016 0:00 25645 PPL        PPLAPP2013                     EUNICE01Console       MENU  0 RACHEL                                          0x0000000000A29C7F
    19/01/2016 0:00 25645 PPL        PPLAPP2013                     EUNICE01Console       40110 1 RACHEL                                          0x0000000000A29C80
    19/01/2016 0:00 25645 PPL        PPLAPP2013                     EUNICE01Console       40110 56 RACHEL                                          0x0000000000A29FF6
    19/01/2016 0:00 25645 PPL        PPLAPP2013                     EUNICE01Console       40110 115 RACHEL                                          0x0000000000A2A24E
    19/01/2016 0:00 25645 PPL        PPLAPP2013                     EUNICE01Console       40110 161 RACHEL                                          0x0000000000A2A361
    19/01/2016 0:00 25644 PPL        PPLAPP2013                     PPLSALES06Console     MENU  0 RACHEL                                          0x0000000000A29C79
    19/01/2016 0:00 25644 PPL        PPLAPP2013                     PPLSALES06Console     40400 1 RACHEL                                          0x0000000000A29C7A
    19/01/2016 0:00 25644 PPL        PPLAPP2013                     PPLSALES06Console     40110 2 RACHEL                                          0x0000000000A29C7B
    19/01/2016 0:00 25644 PPL        PPLAPP2013                     PPLSALES06Console     40110 75 RACHEL                                          0x0000000000A29E3F
    19/01/2016 0:00 25644 PPL        PPLAPP2013                     PPLSALES06Console     40110 235 RACHEL                                          0x0000000000A2A303
  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: maximum number of users Dynamics SL 2015

    So, we can eliminate the possibility of some residual records in the access table if all you see is that one record.  When you say the situation remains, are you saying you get the message with the first user or only after some users have successfully launched SL?  If some users can get in and open screens then the next step is to run that same select query on the access table when someone gets that message so we can see how many records are in that access table at the time of the message.  Also, please clarify how many users your registration screen shows.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: maximum number of users Dynamics SL 2015

    Sorry for the omissions. Yes the registration keys is correct after re-entry and the the other companies exist as separate application and system databases from the one having the issue.

    I have tried your suggestion and on select I'm getting the MasterAccess userId being the only activity listed. I have tried deleting and the situation is the same.

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