RE: Removing account category from MR
OK, I have figured out how to get the following format: 5100-00-00 - Cost of Sales (Account - Description). To do this you need to first open the report and go to the Settings Tab, then click on the Other button. Under Account & Transaction Detail remove the check mark from "Display account code or dimensions".
Next open the Column Definitions for the report. Insert a column before the DESC column. The Type needs to be ATTR and teh Book Code / Attribute Category set to Alias. Save this.
The final step is to enter the account code in to the Alias field in the Account Maintenance in GP. Alternatively if you feel comfy you can script a simply copy in SQL Query and copy ACTNUMBR_1 +_2+_3 into ACTALIAS in table GL00100.
The script to update account alias (This updates for a three segment account code in the format of 000-00-00. If yours is different you need to adjust for that):
UPDATE GL00100 set actalias = (left (ACTNUMBR_1,3) +('-') + left(ACTNUMBR_2,2) +('-') +left(ACTNUMBR_3,2) )