I am trying to copy a report and format into the Wennsoft dictionary.
One of our existing reports, PO Blank, was copied into the wennsoft dictionary and shows as original report.
When printing a PO we have the Blank and Other option. The profile now uses the Wennsoft version of the Blank format and the dynamics default PO Other .
We tried doing an import from modified package import in customization maintenance, we tried importing from one report dictionary to the other in report writer.
We cannot get this to work.
The modified report shows and is editable in report writer.
If only importing the package we cannot see in the profile maintenance.
If only importing from .dic to .dic we don't have any table info.
If both, we have the table info and the mod report shows in profile maintenance, but when trying to print it cannot find the dictionary.
How can I get my Other report to use the same report tables and format that I am using for my Blank report and so that I can edit a few field sizes for the Other report?
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