I've deactivated a user and now need to remove him from multiple email alerts. Is there a way to easily filter through the workflows to see which ones have a Send Email step where he is added as a recipient?
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I've deactivated a user and now need to remove him from multiple email alerts. Is there a way to easily filter through the workflows to see which ones have a Send Email step where he is added as a recipient?
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Hi LearningCRM,
proceed as follows:
1) get the user id (go to settings > security > select user > click right mouse button "Email a link", copy user id removing encoded "{" and "}")
2) create a new solution
3) add all workflows to solution
4) export the solution
5) unzip solutions
6) enter workflow folder
7) open alla workflow xaml files within a text editor, like notepad++
8) search for user id
9) you are done! :-)
Please let me know if you solve.
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Francesco Picchi
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Consultant, Bologna+Milano, ITALY
Independent Contractor
Unfortunately there is no easy way of doing it. You will have to go through all your workflows one-by-one.
Good luck.
André Arnaud de Cal...
Super User 2025 Season 1
Martin Dráb
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