hi i am having two users A,B a has assigned records to B and he can see.
here if sharing has done where he can see the shared records
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hi i am having two users A,B a has assigned records to B and he can see.
here if sharing has done where he can see the shared records
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though we assaign he cannot edit as he dont have write permission if he have write permission he can edit the assaigned record but not shared one
if he not having any permission on entity then if we assaign or share then where the records r going and where he can see those records?
finally i found that
1) if a users role donot have any permissions on entith he caanot see those
2) if he had only read he cannot see the records if he is having different BU
so at that time sharing will take place in order to see those records and here he cannot edit
Please have a look at the below link explaining Sharing in Microsoft Dynamics.
now i gave B system customiser he is able to see all records created by B and editing also so if not having customizer role he is not able to do then sharing or assaigning needed what i understood is it right? if not having that role then where he can see those records?
Really impressed with this great information. This information is valuable one and present it in a better way. Thanks a lot for sharing.
i am having two users A and B A has SystemAdmin and Customizer B has SalesManager and Sales Person here account record created by A and B able to see in All Active records view. A created a custom entity its scope user level and records created by A cannot seen by B so A shared the record now B unable to see entity then where he can see the shared records
If B is able to view a record (not owned by B) already.
It means B has Read permission to view those records, so it is not necessary to share the record to give Read permission. Similarly, if B has Write, Delete, Append, Assign permission for the records owned by other User then those records need not be shared to B.
It depends on the security roles. If your users are sys admins, they can see everything. There is no need to share.
If your users have other roles, what they can see depends. If there is a record user A owns and user B can't see for whatever reason (security role is not allowing user B to see that record), then user A can still share that record with B, and B will see it.
yes B can see in all active record but is there any thing apart from that because though he dont share he can see those in all active then why he have to share
Sharing is like giving permission to a user (if the user does not have already) to do operations on a record.
There is no separate place to view the shared record.
If the user is given read permission then the User can view those records in the view.
Are you asking something different?
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