Hi All,
I tried to test the payment with customer account in a retail POS. However I received the following message
"Customer ... does not exist or its acocunt is blocked"
However, this customer is not blocked at all. Also, of course this customer exists in CustTable as well.
I debugged the related pieces of code and found that the record is not retrieved from the database even if the _custAccount (004009) was passed to this find() method correctly.
static CustTable find(CustAccount _custAccount, boolean _forUpdate = false) { CustTable custTable; if (_custAccount) { if (_forUpdate) { custTable.selectForUpdate(_forUpdate); } select firstonly custTable index hint AccountIdx where custTable.AccountNum == _custAccount; } return custTable; }
What is the way to solve it? Should I set a real-time service profile in order to make it work?
Thank you.