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I agree with Sr. Gomez. In fact, he and I have worked together to move Historical purchase orders back to open at one client. As he states, you just need good knowledge of GP architecture and the ability to write SQL scripts.
I agree with the first point, however I have to disagree with the others - Any Microsoft Dynamics Partner worth their salt would be able to assist with issues like this, it is not the exclusive domain of MBS Prof. Services. Especially if a module exists in the professional services tools library that could assist.
There is always a way to get back from mistakes that users make. It might be complicated and very involved, but its always possible once you understand the underlying tables and business logic.
Best regards,
The bottomline is
1. Never ever run the Utilities without taking Backups
2. Paid Transaction Removal once done cannot be rolled back
3. If You need assistance in reverting it back, It is highly recommended to go to MBS Professional Services.
Integrity Data, Inc. has a Dynamics GP enhancement product that may be beneficial to you. To learn more about them you can visit their website at www.integrity-data.com.
Well spotted Callen. Certainly seems like it would do the job!
Even though it's meant for one purpose, you could probably use the tool for your purpose.
The software is on the GP DVD and should work against the Fabrikam company.
There is a module from GP to bring back historical items. It's part of the Professional Services Tools Library.
Here's the description.
Receivables Management Transaction Unapply ($750)
Unapply documents in the history table and automati
cally move the records back to the open table, allowing you to reapply the records as needed. This is a good alternative to removing history and re-keying data if the records are applied incorrectly.
Callan is right...it certainly wouldn't be fun. Can you restore from a backup? - Even if you had to re-enter a few hours of data it would be preferable to undoing it though SQL.
You could also leave it as is...its probably only going to be a problem if you made a mistake in an apply - and the documents are now in history. You could deal with these issues one by one? It would have to be a manual process - entering new transactions etc.
Are you keeping history? ie are the transactions now marked as Historical or removed completely from the system.
Best regards,
Unfortunately, there's no way through GP to reverse the action.
It should be possible using SQL queries but it certainly won't be fun.
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