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Microsoft Dynamics AX (Archived)

Batch Job Execution issue (All batch job including Workflow)

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Hi Folks,

Batch job is not executing after AOS service account password changed. AOS server account is different from Workflow execution account and BC proxy account.

I already checked in below setup.

1) Form -> Batch Group -> Workflow and is mapped in one Batch server.

2) Form ->Server configuration -> AOS Server is marked as Batch server

3) Form -> System Service account -> Workflow execution account user is mapped. Workflow execution account user is different from AOS Service account user.

4) Form -> Workflow infrastructure configuration -> To add all workflow batch job in to batch processing

Batch job -> still workflow related batch job is not running.


And also tried to New batch job from Backend for checking other than Workflow batch job. For new batch job is also not running, still is in Waiting status.

Let me know

Any Solution???



Sangeeth R

*This post is locked for comments

  • Suggested answer
    Vilmos Kintera Profile Picture
    Vilmos Kintera 46,149 on at
    RE: Batch Job Execution issue (All batch job including Workflow)

    Make sure you have no soft or hard breakpoints in your system, which could stop the execution.

    As a last resort, outside of business hours you may attempt to debug the batch execution framework, to see if it is being called correctly and see if and why isn't it picking up any entries from the Batch jobs/tasks (BatchRun.serverGetOneTask()). You may install Visual Studio Remote debugger tools, and connect to that from another Visual Studio instance, where the AX Visual Studio Development Tools components are installed, and you have set up the AX client configuration to point to the AX AOS instance which you are debugging, so you have access to the source code.

  • Sangeeth R Profile Picture
    Sangeeth R 86 on at
    RE: Batch Job Execution issue (All batch job including Workflow)

    Dear Vilmos Kintera,

    Thanks for your reply.

    Database Sync

    Compile Application

    Full Incremental CIL

    All above three are done without any error.

    And also I have checked in batch server form for AOS instance  isbatchserver  tick is marked.

    Batch threads also mentioned as 8.

    This is client production server. So we didn't done any restoration of AX model yet. As per your suggestion and Martin suggestion also I did Database sync, Compile application (AX build and also System Administrative module Full Compile Application), Full Incremental CIL.

    I tried to stop all Batch jobs and Manually created one batch processing from Backend. Still no luck.

    Still I'm stuck on same place


    Sangeeth R

  • Suggested answer
    Vilmos Kintera Profile Picture
    Vilmos Kintera 46,149 on at
    RE: Batch Job Execution issue (All batch job including Workflow)

    Then it is not the user account, but as Martin suggested it is code/deployment-related issue. Please ensure your application is correctly compiled in your staging environment, and you have done a Full CIL without any errors. After that release the AX ModelStore from staging to Production while your AX AOS instances are stopped, then start 1 AOS, synchronize data dictionary, finally start all other AOSes. See if batch execution resumes afterwards.

    Also verify in the AX Server Configuration in the System administration module's setup section if you have the Batch server checkbox ticked, and if there are batch groups associated with the server you want them to execute on. Also you need batch threads and a batch timeframe to be set for the AOS instance in the same setup screen.

  • Suggested answer
    Sangeeth R Profile Picture
    Sangeeth R 86 on at
    RE: Batch Job Execution issue (All batch job including Workflow)

    Dear Vilmos Kintera,

    Thanks for your reply.

    Yes, I checked user is enabled in AX and also user not locked in AD. With Same user I can able to login Microsoft Dynamics AX.


    Sangeeth R

  • Sangeeth R Profile Picture
    Sangeeth R 86 on at
    RE: Batch Job Execution issue (All batch job including Workflow)

    Dear Martin,

    Thanks for your Reply.

    Only User Account password changed in AD nothing else changed in AD which related to that particular user.


    Sangeeth R

  • Suggested answer
    Vilmos Kintera Profile Picture
    Vilmos Kintera 46,149 on at
    RE: Batch Job Execution issue (All batch job including Workflow)

    Make sure the user account that you are running your batch jobs under is a valid AX user, with enabled status, has access to the legal entity where the data is being processed, and in the Active Directory the user is not locked due to repeated incorrect password provided.

  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,569 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: Batch Job Execution issue (All batch job including Workflow)

    Just to be sure: can you please confirm that changing the password was the only change? Or did something else happen, such moving a server?

    Is anything interesting in event logs on your batch server?

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