We are not able to get the create interest notes to function as we believe it should be.
Example: Calculate interest charges for the month of December
1. Microsoft Partner told us to run as From 12/1/2024 To 12/31/2024
2. However, this only pulls invoices that went past due during that period. An invoice still outstanding from a prior month will not have the December interest calculated.
If we don't use a date in the From field, it will calculate interest on all outstanding invoices that are past-due, but will duplicate the interest charged in prior periods and overstate the interest charge. It won't just calculate the additional interest from 12/1 to 12/31, it's calculating interest back to the due date and not reducing by interest already assessed.
From a high level, what is the recommended monthly process for running interest notes? any recommendations as to what to research from a setup side that is leading to either invoices that should be subject to finance charges being missed, or duplication of prior finance charges?