When you have sent several e-mails to an ISV (third party), have heard nothing back, and that ISV is the only one offering the product that you need, what is the next best step in trying to get in touch to ask questions about said product?
If they do not respons you should probably not engage with the anyways and try to find an alternative solution to the need that their software was ment to help with.
Or you can find the phone number by its company name and call it directly.
You can also find its SNS, such as X (formerly Twitter), Linkedin, etc. It may be better to send direct messages than emails.
Certainly if they don't answer your queries, I'd say that's not a good sign to engage in deeper communications considering you want to purchase a product that you're going to depend on them for future support. Try to look for some other alternative, either a product that partially solves your requirement and complement it with development or some other output, but beware of situations that in the future with a product in place it will be more complicated to wait for such a long silence.
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