I am trying to import a test file with one item into Voucher - screen 0301000
While the docs show how to generate simple and intelligent ctl files, they don't really discuss issues with the multi levels very well.
I have tried both ctl types and get the same result - no errors, no transaction.
The control file has 7 levels 0-6. However any attempt to use levels 3-6 generates errors and they contain data I do not need to use.
My current test file only has level 0,1 and 2, which generates no errors, each row says successfully processed - followed by '6328: Transactions have not been entered for this batch'
This message is not in the listed errors, nor have web searches been of any help.
I can manually enter the transaction, so I know there are no account mismatches, etc.
What is required to get a transaction accepted? It seems that levels 0-2 alone is not sufficient, but any other levels I add generate a record of that level can not be created error.
Does anyone have a single transaction data file that actually works with either version of the ctl file that I can use as a guide as to what this screen requires to import?
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