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Microsoft Dynamics SL (Archived)

Need Voucher Transaction Import Help

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Posted on by 110

I am trying to import a test file with one item into Voucher - screen 0301000

While the docs show how to generate simple and intelligent ctl files, they don't really discuss issues with the multi levels very well.

I have tried both ctl types and get the same result - no errors, no transaction.

The control file has 7 levels 0-6. However any attempt to use levels 3-6 generates errors and they contain data I do not need to use.

My current test file only has level 0,1 and 2, which generates no errors, each row says successfully processed - followed by '6328: Transactions have not been entered for this batch'

This message is not in the listed errors, nor have web searches been of any help.

I can manually enter the transaction, so I know there are no account mismatches, etc.

What is required to get a transaction accepted? It seems that levels 0-2 alone is not sufficient, but any other levels I add generate  a record of that level can not be created error.

Does anyone have a single transaction data file that actually works with either version of the ctl file that I can use as a guide as to what this screen requires to import?


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  • glass Profile Picture
    glass 10 on at
    RE: Need Voucher Transaction Import Help

    Simple 'Transaction Import' for AR, AP, and GL voucher entry are all similar. They require a level 0, 1, and 4 records. Level 0 for each batch, level 1 for each invoice with level 4 details attached. Giving you a concept similar to this.






    Level4 etc until you reach your next 'batch' then start again

    See AP Voucher Entry Example below:
















    I customized my 0301 control file so it only contains the following levels.

    '$include: "bsl.dh"

    '03010 Control Macro

    Sub ProcessImportLine( LevelNumber%, Retval% )

     select Case LevelNumber

       case TI_Start

         call AliasConstant( "Level0", "Batch" )

         call AliasConstant( "Level1", "Document" )

         call AliasConstant( "Level4", "Transaction" )

         call AliasConstant( "Level5", "Duplicate" )

         call AliasConstant( "Level6", "TranDetail" )

         call AliasConstant( "Level7", "DocTerms" )

         call AliasConstant( "Level8", "PORecipt" )

    I use transaction import as the backbone of my data entry into SL. Import store sales by category into AR, bank deposits into CA, and invoices into AP. If we keyed the data manually, it would require a staff 40 times large than we have.

  • grnbriar Profile Picture
    grnbriar 110 on at
    RE: Need Voucher Transaction Import Help

    After changing to level4, I only had to add the invoice total back to the level1 record and I got a successful upload. (first try just gave me an out of balance error)

    That's a big step one completed!

    Thanks for all your help!

    On to code the full file creation now that I have a working format test.

  • RE: Need Voucher Transaction Import Help


    Level4 is for the transactions, not level2, per the control macro.  I'm sorry, I did mention level2, but it should be level4.  Modify your data file to put the transaction at level4.  See if that makes a difference.

  • grnbriar Profile Picture
    grnbriar 110 on at
    RE: Need Voucher Transaction Import Help

    I remove the quotes and the dashes in the vendor id and subaccount and reran with the intelligent ctl file.

    I can't make an extra database here.

    What does error 6328 mean exactly? It's not in the error code list.

    Each record has no error, just that at the end

    And I always see this:

    'System Message 8006: Change Existing Records

    instead of insert, If I don't use "Level2,Insert"  It is in combined edit and insert mode

    With it I see:

    'System Message 8005: New Record Requested

    'System Message 8012: ========Successful Processing of a Level2,Insert Data Line========

    But still the same error message at the end


    'System Message 8000: Start Processing 09:31:49

    'System Message 8042: Transaction Import Processing Combine Edit and Update mode

    'System Message 8040: Database Name xxx              

    'System Message 8011: ========Begin Processing of a Level0 Data Line========


    'System Message 8005: New Record Requested

    'System Message 8012: ========Successful Processing of a Level0 Data Line========

    'System Message 8011: ========Begin Processing of a Level1 Data Line========


    'System Message 8005: New Record Requested

    'System Message 8012: ========Successful Processing of a Level1 Data Line========

    'System Message 8011: ========Begin Processing of a Level2 Data Line========


    'System Message 8006: Change Existing Records

    'System Message 8012: ========Successful Processing of a Level2 Data Line========

    'System Message 6328: Transactions have not been entered for this batch




    'System Message 8029: Screen has been refreshed.

    'System Message 8030: The Number of Errors detected was 1

    'System Message 8001: Completed Processing 09:31:51

  • RE: Need Voucher Transaction Import Help


    You don't need quotes around all the values.  Try taking the quotes off.  You also don't need the dashes in the subaccount.

    In the Transaction Import screen, click on the Options button.  Make sure Combined Edit and Update is selected.  Data Written to Log File should be All Import Data.

    Use the Intelligent Control Macro.

    Do you have a demo database?  If not, create one and try it in the demo.

    You only need to specify "Change" if you are modifying a batch that has already been created.  Insert is the default so you don't need to specify that.

  • grnbriar Profile Picture
    grnbriar 110 on at
    RE: Need Voucher Transaction Import Help

    This was with simple ctl file - I have gotten the same error with both.

  • grnbriar Profile Picture
    grnbriar 110 on at
    RE: Need Voucher Transaction Import Help

    I have also tried "Level3,Insert"  for the level 2 as opposed to the change listed above -exact same error

  • grnbriar Profile Picture
    grnbriar 110 on at
    RE: Need Voucher Transaction Import Help

    I see you have total in the batch and not the document record, so I tried moving it there. Same non error. I did notice as it flashed by that though the control was set, the top transaction toal always stayed zero.

    My errors: (The HC and Invoice was added to stop errors I was getting)

    Can you tell what the actual error is? I keep getting OKs for each line, then the fail


    'System Message 8000: Start Processing 08:27:38

    'System Message 8042: Transaction Import Processing Combine Edit and Update mode

    'System Message 8040: Database Name xxx (removed)              

    'System Message 8011: ========Begin Processing of a Level0 Data Line========


    'System Message 8005: New Record Requested

    'System Message 8012: ========Successful Processing of a Level0 Data Line========

    'System Message 8011: ========Begin Processing of a Level1 Data Line========


    'System Message 8005: New Record Requested

    'System Message 8012: ========Successful Processing of a Level1 Data Line========

    'System Message 8011: ========Begin Processing of a Level2 Data Line========


    'System Message 8006: Change Existing Records

    'System Message 8012: ========Successful Processing of a Level2 Data Line========

    'System Message 6328: Transactions have not been entered for this batch




    'System Message 8029: Screen has been refreshed.

    'System Message 8030: The Number of Errors detected was 1

    'System Message 8001: Completed Processing 08:27:40

  • RE: Need Voucher Transaction Import Help


    You are on the right track.  You only need to import levels 0, 1 and 2 to create a batch.  The control macro contains all the levels in case you need them.  I always use an Intelligent macro.  The data file below will create a voucher batch in the demo database.  You can either use Level0 to designate the batch level or  you can use the word Batch.  I created the data file in Notepad but you can use Excel as well as long as you save it as a comma separated file.




    Any field that you want to accept the default, you only need a place holder.  So as you can see above that I have accepted quite a few of the default values.  

    Let me know if you need more help.

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