Imported some sales transactions via integration manager. Posted the Sales batch that contained them. Post Through GL was NOT checked so a GL batch was created for the posted sales transactions.
Wanted to removed all record of this stuff so I...
Deleted the GL batch manually using the application.
Used Tools-Maintenance-Clear to remove the sales transactions. Removed the Logical name so I assumed this would remove records from all the necessary tables.
Now when I re-import the same transactions I get error saying the document ID already exists.
But I can't find the document anywhere. Use Transaction Inquiry by Customer which reveals nothing. Queries on the SOP tables reveals nothing. (altleast the ones I thought to check)
So where could this document ID be residing? I really don't think the sales transaction is somewhere, I think some table is holding the IDs that have been used.
But if I am wrong then maybe the sales transaction is somewhere and I just can't find it.
So which is it?
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