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Delete Posted Batches in Payables and Receivables?

Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Hello There!

I need to run something by some very knowledgeable people here on the Forum.  I'm newer in the GP consulting world and working with a client who has done the following:


They sold their company as of a certain date and were not supposed to post anything in that company after the sale. They inadvertently posted batches in AP and AR as well as checks and have also reconciled the bank account. 


The client is asking if there is an automated way to delete those batches in payables, receivables and unwind the reconciliation in bank module and then bring them into the new company to be posted.


My first thought was why not restore the backup and only have to reenter the couple days after the sale into the new database.  Unfortunately not only did they post after the sale date but they also posted a lot of other activity in a prior month so restoring a backup is not an option.

Any suggestions on what to do?  I know we can't "unwind" the bank reconciliation as they are asking.  That is just not something that can be done.  Any ideas on deleting batches / activity that was posted?

I would greatly appreciate any ideas on how to help them.

Thank You


  • Suggested answer
    Ian Grieve Profile Picture
    Ian Grieve 22,782 on at
    RE: Delete Posted Batches in Payables and Receivables?

    I'd echo the "do not try deleting the transactions" sentiment; there are a lot of tables from transaction tables, to summary tables to balance tables, all of which will hold information on the transactions and not all of them will have the transaction reference.

    Voiding is by far your best route.

  • Suggested answer
    Frank Hamelly | MVP, MCP, CSA Profile Picture
    Frank Hamelly | MVP... 3,807 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    RE: Delete Posted Batches in Payables and Receivables?

    The best way to correct this is to Void the transactions.  If there are many to void, use a macro to do so.

    As to 'unwinding the bank rec', this can be done.  Have a look at this article -

  • Suggested answer
    Mahmoud Saadi Profile Picture
    Mahmoud Saadi 32,738 on at
    RE: Delete Posted Batches in Payables and Receivables?

    Hello dberard

    We have developed a solution to completely remove selected transactions from the database level. We have a client who asked recently to remove a selected year transactions from all the modules, for instance; you have the following years 2012,2013 and 2014, our task was to remove selected years (2012 and 2013) to be archived while keeping the live company with 2014 transactions only. This was completely done on the database level, and required high-level of consideration and understanding of the database structure

    In this essence, I do not recommend deleting transactions from the database level, you might need to consider the alternatives provided by the gentle men above.

    Your feedback is highly appreciated,

  • Suggested answer
    sandipdjadhav Profile Picture
    sandipdjadhav 18,252 on at
    RE: Delete Posted Batches in Payables and Receivables?


    Deleting posting transactions is not 'option' it is not only 1 or 2 tables which affect there are several tables get updated  when you post transactions into Dynamics GP.

    Best way to Void all transaction you don't want in AP and AR side. This way it will affect your subsidiary (Bank and Customers/Vendors) and GL as well. 

    Do all R&D on test environment and make sure to keep good backup before you do any voiding.

    Let me know how it goes.



  • Suggested answer
    RE: Delete Posted Batches in Payables and Receivables?

    Hi Dawn,

    My suggestions as follows.

    1) Take a list of all transactions fro smart list which includes - Financial, Sales, Purchase & Inventory

    2) Restore the backups

    3) Remove the old transactions which you don't want to post from all transactions list

    4) Post all the new transactions by macro or integration manager

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