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Error filtering date-time

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For a few years we have been using the same process to filter a date-time field in Dynamics, but we're now getting an error when doing so. I'm hoping we can get some support.

We have a custom table called Donations. On the Donations table we have a date-time field called Pickup Window End Date. Each month, our data team creates a report for the previous month by filtering for Pickup Window End Date is on or after the first day of the month and on or before the last day of the month. This month, when filtering as we always have, we are getting an exception that reads "Failed to execute 'removeChild' on 'Node': The node to be removed is not a child of this node."


We haven't changed anything about our Dynamics views or filtering process. It's happening on all browsers. Has anyone else seen this recently? How did you fix it?

  • Suggested answer
    John Redburn Profile Picture
    John Redburn 10 on at
    RE: Error filtering date-time

    Hi All, I have found that the resolution to this has been rolled out, empirically, it now seems to work ok.

  • Suggested answer
    RE: Error filtering date-time

    For a custom view for time entries I found a workaround. In that view the currency colument of an related entity (msdyn_project) was selected. After removing this column and saving the view under a new name the error didn't appear anymore. After saving press CTRL + F5

  • John Redburn Profile Picture
    John Redburn 10 on at
    RE: Error filtering date-time

    Thanks for this Steve, we're experiencing the same issue. Do you have any indication that the fix has been rolled out yet please?

  • Suggested answer
    Steve Zhao2 Profile Picture
    Steve Zhao2 on at
    RE: Error filtering date-time

    Hi Beetroot.v,

    This is a known bug comes from Microsoft. They are fixing this issue now and the ETA data should be Nov 18th.

    And by now there is no any workaround. So, just wait for the deployment.

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