Logged into CRM as System Administrator and trying to access 'Configure Server-Based SharePoint Integration' but I get a message saying 'Record Is Unavailable'.
Logged into CRM as System Administrator and trying to access 'Configure Server-Based SharePoint Integration' but I get a message saying 'Record Is Unavailable'.
I found out that I could hit the OK button, then hit the Next button, then I got to the normal wizard screen. After integration activated everything normal.
Try below options and see if it works.
2. Restart Ansyc services
Enabled Tracing and in the trace log I get the following error message:
>Crm Exception: Message: partnerapplication With Id = 38616d01-8e81-42dd-82fb-b68f2cecac3a Does Not Exist, ErrorCode: -2147220969, InnerException: Microsoft.Crm.BusinessEntities.CrmObjectNotFoundException: partnerapplication With Id = 38616d01-8e81-42dd-82fb-b68f2cecac3a Does Not Exist
at Microsoft.Crm.Caching.PartnerApplicationCacheLoader.LoadCacheData(Guid key, ExecutionContext context)
at Microsoft.Crm.Caching.ObjectModelCacheLoader`2.LoadCacheDataInternal(TKey key, Object existingDataContainer, IOrganizationContext context)
at Microsoft.Crm.Caching.ObjectModelCacheLoader`2.LoadCacheData(TKey key, IOrganizationContext context)
at Microsoft.Crm.Caching.CrmMultiOrgCacheBase`2.CreateEntry(TKey key, IOrganizationContext context)
at Microsoft.Crm.Caching.CrmMultiOrgCacheBase`2.<>c__DisplayClass19_0.<LookupEntry>b__2()
at Microsoft.PowerApps.CoreFramework.ActivityLoggerExtensions.Execute(ILogger logger, EventId eventId, ActivityType activityType, Action action)
at Microsoft.Xrm.Telemetry.XrmTelemetryExtensions.Execute(ILogger logger, XrmTelemetryActivityType activityType, Action action)
at Microsoft.Crm.Caching.CrmMultiOrgCacheBase`2.LookupEntry(TKey key, IOrganizationContext context)
at Microsoft.Crm.ObjectModel.SharePointProvisioningHelperService.RetrieveSharePointGlobalSettings(ExecutionContext context)
[2020-11-20 12:30:08.424] Process: w3wp |Organization:f09d451e-ebd1-4eb4-964c-d70cd58d7663 |Thread: 36 |Category: Platform |User: 70054d77-9a10-e811-80d1-0050569c4ec3 |Level: Error |ReqId: d4ab6ea2-66be-4fd0-b183-b6e689e8c9b1 |ActivityId: 96524506-545e-44e2-a78f-38e38ca8a001 | MessageProcessor.Execute ilOffset = 0x237
>MessageProcessor fail to process message 'RetrieveSharePointGlobalSettings' for 'sharepointdocument'.
Hello and thank you for the answer. I have tried to do this from another server, pc, in-private and other browser, same issue.
Hi MLarsen,
This error can occur due to a caching issue. Try closing your browser windows or clearing your cache before logging back into Dynamics CRM. Alternatively, use a different browser or access Dynamics CRM in private mode.
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