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Open page using RunPageLink when field not in base table

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Hi Guys

I have a custom list page with the purchase orders and the base table is the purchase header. Action on the page should open another page and I know how to pass a field to a new page as below example:

                    RunPageLink = "Source Type" = CONST(39),
                                  "Source Subtype" = FIELD("Document Type"),
                                  "Source No." = FIELD("No.");

But  if the field is not in the base table (Purchase header) of thelist page as below - here I want to open the sales order and sales order number is a variable rather than a field on purchase header

                    RunObject = Page "Sales Order";
                    RunPageLink = "No."= FIELD(SalesOrderNo_Variable);
Is it possible to pass a variable or any value not in the base table itself or any other methods to open pages such as the above example.  This is just an example and I'm more interested in the concept
  • Suggested answer
    JAngle Profile Picture
    JAngle 46 on at
    RE: Open page using RunPageLink when field not in base table

    Instead of using the mentioned page action properties you can use an action trigger. In the trigger you can use local variables. This has a code snippet that would be typical:

    You sales order variables. How are these being set? They could form part of your filter criteria for setting a table view. Styles vary for this too. The job planning lines page for example has a few variations. Check out the source code.

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