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Not able to track Visits and Form Capture in Marketing Module

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Hello, we are using Dynamics Marketing Module. We created a marketing website page with website URL and added the Java script and Form capture code on the website.

We created a Customer Journey and sent out an email to a segment.The tracking of visits with capturing known contacts works when the recipient open our email and lands to our website by clicking a link in email. But, later after couple of days when same email recipient lands to our website directly by trying our website URL in browser or through organic search, Marketing module captures the visits as anonymous. 

Moreover, Module captures the form visit and form submission with known contact if user visited our website clicking our email (does not work all the time) but if user visited our website directly and not through our email, it does not capture the form visit and form submission and visit on website is anonymous.

We want to capture the customer journey if at first instance someone lands to our website by clicking our email and later after 2 days he visits directly, system should capture the visit of user as known contact and also captures the form submission in case he submitted a form.

I understand it might related to cookies in the browser which might be getting lost too soon but how it can be resolved to fulfill our goal to capture whole customer journey.

It does not capture any visit on website or any form submission if there is Google Analytics script included on website along with Marketing module script.

I also found this link on Microsoft - where is says "Visitors will remain anonymous util they register by using a Dynamics 365 Marketing landing page". At first instance if user lands on website though our landing page it captures it as known contact but later when same user visits website directly it captures them as anonymous and does not capture form submission or form visit.

How can we resolve our issues which we are facing to get whole customer journey:

  • Capturing known contacts for every visit by user on our website (either by email landing page or directly)
  • Every form submission and form visit by user as known contact in system. 

Is this normal with Marketing Module or anyone else is facing this issue?

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Not able to track Visits and Form Capture in Marketing Module

    Hello Clofly,

    We have not created contact us form in Dynamics but we have a form on our website which we want to capture in Marketing module and we dont have any "Remember me" check box in it, So with this you mean we need to add a check box "Remember me" and capture it in Dynamics. At first instance receipt need to land on website through our email and fill up form with check box "Remember me". Later if they close the browser the wont affect the capturing and system will capture the form submission and page visits as known contact?

  • Verified answer
    cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Not able to track Visits and Form Capture in Marketing Module

    Hi BeyondKey,

    1. As doc said(see second Note), "Remeber me" field could be only added to marketing form(native marketing form/embedded marketing form).

    2 . Every links in marketing email will be encoded, landing page is not required to associated with them.

    When recipient clicks these encoded URL, he/she has been a known contact, so it won't be affected by the recipient closing the browser.

    We can track these interactions in Marketing email > Insights > Interactions.




  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Not able to track Visits and Form Capture in Marketing Module

    Hello Clofly,

    Thanks for this information. Where i can keep the "Remember me" check box? We are capturing a form from website and form or form fields is not created in Marketing module, they are mapped:


    Also, if there is just the link of our website on the email we sent (email had a button saying "Click Here" or "Learn More" and it directly takes user to our website) and a landing page is not associated to it, how does it will capture known contact going forward after closing the browser. 


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    cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Not able to track Visits and Form Capture in Marketing Module

    Hi BeyondKey,

    I also encountered the issue you said.

    After I reviewed the thread which you posted before:

    tested you current issue and read documentation, now I think there is a better explanation for all of them.

    As we have found, there are three different types of visit record:

    * no name, Anonymous

    * contacts' name, Named

    * contacts' name, Anonymous

    Type 1 record will be created when clients open marketing page without any submission.

    Type 2 record will be created when clients open marketing page via link in marketing email, or when clients submit form and then reload the page.

    (If clients submitted form and reloaded page for serveral time, then it will create serveral type 2 records.)

    Type 3 record is special, it will be created when clients submit form, but clients has visited page as anonymous visitor previously. In other word, type 3 is actually converted from type 1. 

    So why our contact become anonymous again when they open page directly?

    It could be said that there are two factors to control whether a visitor is named.

    Marketing email link(or link cookie) and Automatically generated cookie(submission cookie) after form submission

    Marketing email link:

    Because specific unique parameters are encoded in link in marketing email, so the page script will recognize visitors' identity and takes these parameters to match existing contact(a link cookie is set in browser), then the visit record will be in "Named" status.

    Automatically generated cookie:

    If visitor submits form, then a cookie will be set in his/her browser.

    an example:

    visitor opens the page. (visit record 1) 


    visitor reloads the page. (visit reord 2)


    visitor submits the form


    visitor reloads the page twice. (visit reord 3)


    visitor reloads the page third time. (visit reord 4)


    visitor closed browser


    visitor opens the page again. (visit reord 5)

    Before submission, it's obvious that visit record 1 and visit record 2 will be type 1 record.

    After submission, a cookie is set to clients' browser, visit record 1 and visit record 2 will be converted into type 3 record, 

    the following visit record 3 and 4 will be type 2 record due to cookie has been set.

    However, cookie will be removed due to clients closed browser and open again, so visit record 5 will be type 1 record again.

    Thats why visit records of subscription center are always in Named status, because we are always required to open the SC page via Marketing email link.

    For landing page, we will open it directly in most of time, and cookie will be cleared after browser is closed,

    but if client checked "Remember Me" to enable prefilling form feature, the cookie will always be in browser regardless of browser closing.

    ;By this way, following visit records will still be 'Named' status.

    Now we know how will form visitor become a "known contact":

    For Landing page:

    1. Form visitor opens the page via the link, and keeps browser open.(link cookie)

    2. Form visitor could open the page directly but he/she should submit form at least once, then keeps browser open.(submission cookie)   

    Obviously, above approaches make no sense because we won't always keep browser open. 

    Thus the third would be the only option for us to track customer as "known contact"

    3. Whatever way visitor takes to open landing page, make sure he/she could check the "Remember me" option, in other word, the form could be  always prefilled after the first time submission.

    (We could image that customer might doesn't like to be tracked if he/she doesn't check the option.)

    For Subscription Page, the page will be always opened via link, and prefilling feature is always enabled, thus the form visitor will be guaranteed as "known contact" for each time visit.



  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Not able to track Visits and Form Capture in Marketing Module

    Hello Clofly,

    Thank you for this. You can test it today itself by directly visiting website. When we were testing it sending email to internal company employees, it was not working on same day when the recipient directly visits the website after clicking via email.

    We checked and no employee has cleared his cache before vising directly to website.


  • Verified answer
    cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Not able to track Visits and Form Capture in Marketing Module

    Hi BeyondKey,

    I have bookmarked your thread and built a simple customer journey from scratch.(and a new marketing form without insight data)

    My test contact(Clofly Mao) opened marketing website via link in marketing email, then a named visit record is created.


    I will open my marketing website directly after 5 days and then check whether the contact visit will be anonymous.

    Please wait for my feedback next week.

    In addition, have you recipient cleared their browser cache thus the cookie for tracking was removed? 



  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Not able to track Visits and Form Capture in Marketing Module

    Hello Clofly,

    Yes, if recipient lands to our website clicking our email campaign, system captures them as known contact and captures form submissions if any (not all time). But if same recipient visits again after couple of days it captures them as anonymous.

    No, website does not have any third party script.

  • Verified answer
    cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: Not able to track Visits and Form Capture in Marketing Module

    Hi BeyondKey,

    1. Do you mean that even if recipient submitted form, but then they became anonymous after couple of days?

    2. You said that "It does not capture any visit on website or any form submission if there is Google Analytics script included on website along with Marketing module script.", 

    Is there any other 3rd party script(GA) on your marketing website page? 

    As the link you posted mentioned: "If your website already uses cookies and includes a consent feature, then it probably covers the Dynamics 365 Marketing website script."



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