Microsoft announced some big changes in next major release (link: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/get-started/whats-new/customer-engagement/important-changes-coming ). A lot of components that our customers are using will become deprecated? Some of most problematic deprecation items are:
- Dialogs
- Relationship Roles
- Service Scheduling
- SLAs
- Mail Merge templates
- Contracts, Contract Line Items, and Contract Templates entities
- XRM API deprecations (Xrm.Page, etc..)
What will happen with these functionalities? Do we have to upgrade them so they will be compatible with new version?
From the point of Microsoft Dynamics 365 (CRM) Online:
- Dialogs are commonly used... Is there any way that dialog will function normally after upgrade? Or do we have to replace them with some other functionality(BPF??)?
- Customizations done with javascript that are using Xrm API deprecated items... Probably we have to reprogram our javascript logic to be compliant with new API?
- Basic out of the box funcitonalites (many of them are using this APIs)… Will Microsoft solve these problems with next major update? Probably this update won't affect our Customers?
- Is it possible to migrate Contract, Contract Linese to other oob entities?
- What is substitute for Mail Merge?
- How long will be Xrm API still supported despite that it is on list for deprecation?
- In some JavaScript functions we're using an old endpoint (SDK.Rest, SAOP calls). Currently everything is working OK... Till when we have to migrate from old service calls to web API?
From the point of Microsoft Dynamics 365 (online) Portal:
- I've found one dialog in CRM related to portal named »Change Password«. Will update replace this dialog with some compliant solution?
- Will Microsoft solve problems in javascript related to deprecated XRM API with next update?
So many question, so many worries. Thank you in advance,
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