The report couldn’t be generated, because it was empty. Adjust your filters and try again.
Internal session ID:
Application Insights session ID:
Client activity id:
Time stamp on error:
AL call stack:
"Report Selections"(Table 77).PrintDocumentsWithCheckDialogCommon line 33 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Report Selections"(Table 77).PrintWithDialogForCust line 8 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Report Selections"(Table 77).PrintForCust line 8 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Report Selections"(Table 77).PrintReport line 2 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Document-Print"(CodeUnit 229).PrintCheck line 18 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Payment Journal"(Page 256)."PrintCheck - OnAction"(Trigger) line 6 - Base Application by Microsoft