Hey all,
So I have been messing around with the API and exposing different pages to pull data from. As a test I tried to send a post request to the opportunity comments page as it seemed simple.
I get an error that the page doesn’t support insert. I tried extending the page with editable true to no avail.
I get that there are some tables they would rightly disallow inserts, updates or deletions, such as GL entries, or anything posted really.
If I made my own page referencing the same table would I be able to post data to it? Or would I need to make my own table and page for that?
Or am I way off and I can totally post to the comments page, I’m just doing it wrong.
Lastly is there a page that shows table/page properties so I know which ones I can fully interact with?
thank you so much for any guidance you can offer and thank you for reading this long winded question haha