Some of our POs are now being created and sent to suppliers using a third-party system. We still need these to be created in Dynamics GP for accounting purposes, however because they have already been released to the suppliers, we want to create these POs at the "released" stage. When I create a PO with eConnect POPTransactionType and set the POSTATUS of the taPoHdr and taPoLine objects to 2 (released), it does not appear to run through the process that it would go through when releasing the PO through the GUI by printing it.
Is there any way I can simulate the printing process programmatically so that Dynamics GP runs through the required procedures and updates the relevant inventory quantities, PO statuses, etc.?
I have tried using SQL Server Profiler to narrow down exact steps that GP takes, but the list is so long and there appear to be so many things affected by the process of printing the PO that I would much rather use any existing method of invocation instead of writing my own code to achieve the same end and possibly introduce bugs.
Thanks in advance.
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