Can I suggest that you use the Customer_Active PV that I referred to earlier as a"template".
Find it in the PVRec,csv file I referred to, and copy/paste it into a new file.
As the first thing you do, change the name Customer_Active to a more suitable name.
Then try editing it to do what you want, with your table.
NOTE that you shoudl edit it in Notepad (nit Excel) as you don't want Excel to do any "manipulating" of the file.
NOTE also that your PV definition must be one very long line in that file.
Inthe rest of this post, I'll break up all the PV components onto separate lines & offer a few comments.
But in your editing, it must remain as one long line.
OK - here's the full line for that PV.
"Customer_Active","0826000","","Select * From Customer Where CustId like @parm1 and Status IN ('A', 'O', 'R') order by CustId","Active Customer","Customer.CustId;Customer ID;003;0","Customer.Name;Name;110;Customer1","Customer.Phone;Phone;0;Customer6","Customer.Zip;Zip;0;Customer7","Customer.Status;Status;0;Customer2"
The fisr field, obviously, is the PV name.
THe 0826000 is the screen that can edit.insert the "possible values" If populated, the Edit/Insert buttins will be available on the PV window.
Fot CustId, 08260 is the Cust Mtce screen.
The next blank field shoudl be left blank.
Then follows the SQL thatr is used to populate the PV Window.
You must do a "select *".
I think you must name the parms as @parm1 etc.
The field itself must be @parm1, and the SQL using that parm kust use "like" rather than "=".
ie "Where CustId like @parm1 "
When you are customizing (as opposed to writing a new screen from scratch) you may be limited to a single Parameter. More than one may be difficult (very precise formatting required) or even impossible.
This is getting verbose.
I'll coontinue in a separate post