Hello D365 Community!
We recently updated to 10.0.32 and as Warehouse Location Status is now a mandatory feature, we were looking at enabling it.
I enabled the Location Profile setup that is required for this feature and ran some testing in our T2 environment.
One test I ran was to empty out a location using a Transfer Journal and confirm if the Location Status updated. Unfortunately this failed, see screenshots below.
Locations Table:
On-Hand List
NB: Filter is "is one of" A01-4-1 or A02-2-1
Does anyone have any experience with this? Do I need to start running a Database Consistency Check on the Location Status batch job to make sure TJ changes are captured? Is this a configuration step I've missed somewhere?
I looked around in the documentation but couldn't find any specific info related to TJ and Warehouse Location Status.
Thanks for your assistance in advance!