I am getting an error below after I post a prepayment on a sales order. Any help would be great.
If requesting support, please provide the following details to help troubleshooting:
Tax Group Code must have a value in Sales Line: Document Type=Order, Document No.=S-ORD101011, Line No.=20000. It cannot be zero or empty.
Page Edit - Sales Order Statistics has to close.
Internal session ID:
Application Insights session ID:
Client activity id:
Time stamp on error:
AL call stack:
"Sales Tax Calculate"(CodeUnit 398).AddSalesLine line 36 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Sales Order Stats."(Page 10038).OnAfterGetRecord(Trigger) line 32 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Sales Header"(Table 36).ShowDocumentStatisticsPage line 8 - Base Application by Microsoft
"Sales Order"(Page 42)."Statistics - OnAction"(Trigger) line 11 - Base Application by Microsoft
****Yes, there is a value in tax group code in my sales line. There is only 1 sales line item.