RE: Add field of one entity to another
You have a few choices, which some were already mentioned.
You can create a quick view and display the Quick View inside your phone calls entity (based on the mapping of the account entity).
You can also create the field in the Phone Call Entity (not sure if this is the Out of the Box one or not, but I think you are using a Custom one), and then using the 1-N Relationship between Account and Phone Call, set the Mappings of the field, so that when a new Phone Call is created the BlueTon field will be automatically created as well.
This does not work for updates. You can create a Workflow on the Change of the BlueTon field of the Account Entity to Update the related child Phone Calls. This is not an out of the box Workflow, you will need to create a custom workflow. Some of the Workflow Tools that are available out there that can assist with that (links below):
There are other ways such as using Web Api, so which approach you choose is up to you.
Hope this helps.