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"Fake" double opt-in??

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Posted on by Microsoft Employee

Hi everyone,

I really need your help asap! My client has a special request that does not seem to be supported OOB:

Case: My client sometimes attends customer meetings and leave the meetings with a list of employees who needs to be on a certain subscription list. The client wants to handle this manually.

I thought of the following solution: We create a "dummy" subscription list that the client can add the customers to after the meeting. When added to this dummy list, a customer journey is activated and the employee who has been added to this list, receives an e-mail where he/she has to confirm, that they want to receive this information. When they confirm, they are added to the "real" subscription list by using a flow.

Is this even possible?
How do I create a "fake" double opt-in e-mail with the correct dynamic content {{SubscriptionListNames}}, {{ConfirmationUrl}}, {{FormDoiSubmission}}?

Any better solutions? (Would it be better to create a double opt-in based form that the client then uses to add these contacts to subsciption lists ? (Could be existing and non-existing contacts)).
I don't want to activate global double opt-in.

Thanks a lot in advance!


Emil Dusi

  • Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: "Fake" double opt-in??


    If you have a lot of restrictions on user consent, Segment is still the recommended choice in order to avoid some unnecessary trouble.

    Of course, it is still up to you. :)

    This case will be closed.


    Best Regards,


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: "Fake" double opt-in??


    Well, we don't use the list for anything other than activating the customer journey. So I could just as well have been a field that was ticked off and the they were added to a segment.

    Doesn't really make a difference, I think? :)

  • Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: "Fake" double opt-in??


    It’s great to hear that the problem has been resolved. Maybe I'm too concerned about the validity of adding users to the dummy list without their consent.


    Best Regards,


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: "Fake" double opt-in??

    Hi Nya,

    I think I've solved this with the following solution:


    1. A contact is added manually to a dummy subscription lists (we have 3 in total) by someone from sales, that has been told by the contact's boss that the contact should be on this lists.

    2. A Customer Journey is activated with the target being "Member of Dummy Subscription Lists A, B or C"

    3. A "confirmation" e-mail is sent to the targets with a button that links to a landingpage with a form, where the contact has to update their information and choose subscription lists (here I have inserted the real subscription lists)

    4. When they fill out the form, their information is updated in the system with the correct subscription(s) and we have their consent.

    5. If they don't fill out the form, they will never receive information and we respect their consent.

    Please see screenshots below.

    I have tested the solution and it seems to work fine? Any objections or obvious challenges to why this should not work?

    Confirmation e-mail




  • Suggested answer
    Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: "Fake" double opt-in??

    Hi Emil,

    I wonder that how can the customers be added into the dummy subscription list. Because even if it is a dummy subscription list, it is still a record belonging to the Marketing List entity and doesn't it need the customer's consent to join this list?


    If you are still manually adding these customers to a list that requires confirmations to be sent in bulk, have you considered using a segment instead of your dummy subscription list as the audience to send emails in a customer journey?


    Then you can create a custom two-option field (for example, a field called allow subscription) in contact entity and map it into a marketing form. Insert this form into the confirmation email to let the customers to update the field.


    After updating the field, you can create the real subscription list according to the value of the field with Advanced Find.


    If this helped you, I'd appreciate it if you'd mark this as a Verified Answer, which may in turn help others as well.

    Best Regards,


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: "Fake" double opt-in??

    Hi Nya,

    "What I mean is that you can add the subscription center with the unsubscribe link into the confirmation email and let the customers to choose."

    This doesn't work for us, as we do not have their consent to add them.


    I suggest we create a dummy subscription lists that they can be manually added to. When added to this subscription list, a customer journey is triggered to send a confirmation e-mail in which they have to confirm, that they are added to the "real" list. But if they do not confirm, they will not be added to that list.

    E.g. The boss of my client's customer wants 3 employees to be added to Subcription List A (Real), but we need their consent.

    Process: We add them to Subscription List A (Dummy), which triggers a customer journey that sends them an e-mail in which they confirm that they want to be part of Subscription List A (Real) via a button. If they confirm, a flow could add them to Subscription List A (Real).

    OR could we "just" send them an e-mail (with a button that contains a link to a subscription center) in which they can choose to subscribe to Subscription List A (Real). 

    The aim is to get their consent to add them to the Subscription Lists.

    Does this make better sense?

  • Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: "Fake" double opt-in??

    Hi Emil,

    What I mean is that you can add the subscription center with the unsubscribe link into the confirmation email and let the customers to choose.


    But if you cannot add the contacts into a subscription list before they confirm with the emails, what entity's records are you going to create your dummy subscription list for and how are you going to send the emails without an audience in customer journey?


    Would you please explain this point more clearly and I could continue to think of other solutions based on your explanation?


    Best Regards,


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: "Fake" double opt-in??

    Hi Nya,

    I'm not sure I completely understand what you mean...

    Since we work in EU it is necessary that we have consent. Therefore we cannot add a contact to a regular subscription list without a full consent (e.g. confirmation via e-mail) from the person that have been added manually.

    E.g. if my boss tells a partnering company, that I need to be on their subscription lists, then I have to confirm that I want to be on that list. Otherwise there's no legal consent hence why I need to send a confirmation e-mail if these are added manually.

    Does it make sense or am I misunderstanding your answer/solution?

    Are you suggesting that I create a second subscription center with the real subscription lists and then add a URL to a confirmation button in an e-mail which the contact has to click and then choose the regarding subcription list?

  • Suggested answer
    Nya Profile Picture
    Nya 29,058 on at
    RE: "Fake" double opt-in??

    Hi Emil,

    As you have created a "dummy" subscription list, you can add it into a subscription center and the contacts can choose to continue their subscription or unsubscribe.

    Here is the official documentation about the subscription center.

    Set up a subscription center (Dynamics 365 Marketing) | Microsoft Docs


    There is no need to create a second subscription list.


    If this helped you, I'd appreciate it if you'd mark this as a Verified Answer, which may in turn help others as well.

    Best Regards,


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