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PowerApps Portals and D365 Marketing

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I’m seeking clarity around the new PowerApps portals and how they will be used (or not) in D365 Marketing

Firstly - how will users customise the events portal – will we still need to use Angular, or will they use the PowerApps portals designer?

Secondly, on licensing

  • Which licensing model will apply - the old monthly (USD$500/mth) application-based version, or the PowerApps usage-based version
  • If the latter, how are the following classified:
    • A portal-hosted landing page (e.g. subscription page – click-through from an email).  Assumption: External user / per Page view (so 100,000 views for $100)
    • A portal-hosted redirect landing page (e.g. a ‘confirmation’ landing page redirected from a form submission).  Assumption: External user / per Page view
    • Event registration using the portal (not logged-in).  Assumption: External user / per Page view
    • Log-in to the event registration portal (e.g. to view/manage event registrations).  Assumption: External user / Per login (100 logins for $200)
  • Also, if the latter, how & when will existing portal licenses be transitioned to the new usage-based pricing model?  Will this be immediate, at renewal, or to some other model?

Thanks, Richard

  • Suggested answer
    Karl Maybach Profile Picture
    Karl Maybach on at
    RE: PowerApps Portals and D365 Marketing

    Hi Richard

    Yes, FRE can automatically install the events website Angular project on a PowerApps Portal just as it can on the Dynamics 365 Portal. FRE can furthermore set up a free trial PowerApps portal at the same time if needed (which is an improvement). PowerApps Portal is built on top of the Dynamics 365 Portal infrastructure, so the events website and marketing pages work the same on PowerApps Portal as they did on Dynamics 365 Portal. The main differences are that PowerApps Portal has a new design studio (which Marketing doesn't use), and a new licensing model.

  • Richard@BarheadAU Profile Picture
    Richard@BarheadAU 160 on at
    RE: PowerApps Portals and D365 Marketing

    Thanks Shravan for this info.  So, for the forseeable future the events portal will be an Angular project on top of a PowerApps POrtal.  I think I get that now - but do tell me if I've misunderstood.

    My follow-up question then, is, will the initial setup of the events portal be automatic (as it is now via the FRE) or will there be more steps involved?



  • Suggested answer
    ShravanSuri Profile Picture
    ShravanSuri 1,255 on at
    RE: PowerApps Portals and D365 Marketing

    Hey Richard,

    As Karl mentions in his reply - the event website will be continued as an Angular website. We are looking into a closer integration with Powerapp Portals in the future, but that's not scheduled yet.

    Karl's answer also details the licensing changes. In terms of classification for event website hosted on the new powerapps portals, you're right, only a signed in portal deployed session would be counted as a log-in.


  • Suggested answer
    cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: PowerApps Portals and D365 Marketing

    Hi Richard,

    Sorry for the not clear understanding.

    1. Powerapps portal design studio is not supported for event portal due to its front-end is Angular, but you can still host it on powerapps portal. I got the answer from a user.

    2. Angular is just front-end, you could work with it to customize if you were familiar with it, while every operation on web site will still request REST Web API backend.

    In conclusion, you still need angular for customization because powerapps portal design studio is not available for event website. And you might buy D365 Portal, but D365 portal will change to Powerapps portal at some point.

    Hope it helps.



  • Suggested answer
    Karl Maybach Profile Picture
    Karl Maybach on at
    RE: PowerApps Portals and D365 Marketing

    PowerApps Portals licensing details are available here, including a comparison with Dynamics 365 Portals.

    Starting soon, if not already now, the Dynamics 365 Marketing setup wizard will be able to set up and integrate with a  free demo PowerApps Portal when you install Marketing. The demo ends in 30 days, after which the customer can sign up for a standard, consumption-based license. The Dynamics 365 Portal product is to be discontinued, but customers that already have one can continue to use it under the old licensing terms; and that includes setting up a new Dynamics 365 Marketing instance to use an existing Dynamics 365 Portals entitlement (provided it isn't already in use by another app or instance). 

    As far as I know, the events website will continue to be delivered as an Angular project, which can be installed on a PowerApps Portal, or an external site, and customized exactly as before. I don't think you'll be able to use PowerApps design studio to customize the Angular-based events website, but I am not completely sure because I have not worked with the design studio product.

  • Richard@BarheadAU Profile Picture
    Richard@BarheadAU 160 on at
    RE: PowerApps Portals and D365 Marketing

    Thanks Clofly - but your response doesn't answer my question.

    I understand that D365 Mktg is licensed by marketing contacts.   My question is around portals - how they are licensed and who they are customised now that PowerApps Portals are GA.

    Let me try again:

    1. Will I still need to buy the $500/month D365 Portal if I need a portal attached to D365 Marketing - or will I now use the new PowerApps Portals usage-based licensing?  (and yes, I know I can self-host if I want to - but let's assume I want to use a portal)

    2. How will we customise the event portal - will we still use Angular to customise, or will we use the PowerApps design studio?



  • cloflyMao Profile Picture
    cloflyMao 25,202 on at
    RE: PowerApps Portals and D365 Marketing

    Hi Richard,

    > Firstly, available customizations and features are different between Event Portal and Custom Web Server:

    event website customization comparison:

    marketing page features comparison:

    > Secondly, from official doc:

    Dynamics 365 Marketing is licensed per instance, with each instance priced according to the number of marketing contacts stored in your database.

    While in October license guide:

    Customers will only be charged for Contacts that are engaged in marketing activities using the Marketing application OR capabilities delivered as part of the application.


    In conclusion, pricing for Marketing application user is based on toal marketing contact records (contacts who have engagad marketing activies such as landing page or event) in Marketing application.



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