I have a plugin code that creates an email. The plugin should attach pdf file.
I call this plugin in request entity form if needed. I also have a download button that creates the request form for signing. The download button and the plugin uses the same c# code and same excel file.
My code uses the excel as a template and uses this excel to write infos about requests to the form. But my code does not really writes on excel, after uses this excel as template the c# code translates it to pdf file in windows/temp folder in crm application server.
So the download button gives me the request form as pdf. But the plugin doesn't. On server i got "document not saved. the document may be open or an error may have been encountered when saving" message and after that the code wants to really write to the excel template which i do not want that.
How can i solve this problem? I checked the permissins of the folders also but nothing changed.
How can i acheve this problem while using the plugin. The mail is created whitout attachments because of this problem.
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