I'm running into an issue with the Job Journal for the last month or two of not being able to post anything, where it did previously. When I try to Preview Posting, I get this warning at the top of the page: /The transaction will cause G/L entries to be inconsistent. Typical causes for this are mismatched amounts, including amounts in additional currencies, and posting dates./
The transaction entries listed are only 1 Job Ledger Entry and Res. Ledger Entry. I've tried different jobs and resources, tried keeping the transaction to the minimum set of fields, and tried posting an Item instead of a Resource, all to no avail.
It works in a default sandbox, so I don't think it's a code issue, more likely a configuration I messed up somewhere. I've checked the Job and Resource setups, all the posting and config I could identify as related. The only hint of a possibly related issue is that I did set up a Currency at one point recently but have since removed it as we only need the default currency. It could be related to that, but I have no idea where to look to track this down. Nothing is in the error logs, since it can't post.
Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated.