Quick question. Once an Account Number has been set up for an account, it can't be edited? Right? We're working on our COAs and I'm wanting to renumber some fields and add space.
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Quick question. Once an Account Number has been set up for an account, it can't be edited? Right? We're working on our COAs and I'm wanting to renumber some fields and add space.
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As per account category you have to go
Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Tools>>setup>>Financial>>Category>>master>>Account Category Set up then scroll to the bottom and add your own customed category.
Sorry as Frank has said,you can't edit.If its one and has no transactions just delete it.or you can clear all the accounts on Microsoft Dynamics GP>>Maintenace>>Clear data>>Financial series>>hight account master>>click insert button>>Click ok>>Click yes
all the accounts will be cleared so that you input afresh.
I haven't used Professional Services Tools Library but here on forum and your Gp parter can assist.
I have to disagree with RomRyan. You cannot edit an account number in the user interface, even if there are no transactions posted to it. You can Delete the account, but not edit it.
Hi Kimberly,
New category cannot be created using Categories lookup window. In order to create Go to--> Tools--> Setup--> Financials-->Category
Hope this helps.
You're in a lookup window. To add new Categories go Financial>>Setup>>Category. Why do you want to add a new category? Most companies just use the out of the box categories.
Which menu would I go to in order to edit those numbers? I'm new to GP and this week I've just been trying to get my bearings.
It can be changed using the Professional Services Tools Library>>Account Modifier but you're right, it cannot be changed in the Account Card. You must be logged into GP as 'sa' to use many of the PSTL tools because it effects changes at the SQL database level.
Also, a different topic entirely, but every time I try to add another category in GP the "new" button isn't highlighted... suggestions?
You can edit the account numbers provided that there is no transaction has been posted.But it must follow rule of the segments you created during GL set up.
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