I have a techie query for everyone!
I have a security conundrum.
I have some customers eg “Britney Spears” who no doubt has an insurance policy with my client.
So they have this concept of only one contact record, one single contact but certain customers like celebrities they don’t want all the users to be able to see all the details.
As you know with CRM, if you have rights to see contacts you can see ALL the contacts not just half according to data attributes.
The problem is always advanced find and reporting which will show you all contacts.
However as I say they want to restrict stuff.
My thinking is either use Business Units, but that will result in multiple instances of a contact as one BU wont be able to see the same contact in another BU. And then would need to sync with a master somehow although I don’t like it as a solution.
Other option is some kind of child entity records which contain all the interesting stuff and the parent contact record just holds name itself. This would be good for them as some of their entities have 400 fields as they just keep lumping extra stuff on but would mean a whole lot of new entity relationship changes which again feels not good.
So does anyone have any other possible ways of doing this or do you know of a 3rd Party product that would enable this single client contact view?
Any help would be most appreciated!!
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