As Microsoft is no longer releasing the current SDK for GP2018, I'm having trouble finding the correct prototype to trigger against the proc RM_Post_Cash_Batch.
According to the latest documentation which is for GP2015, it is:
inout file Batch_Headers;
inout file RM_Module_SETP;
inout file RM_Keys_MSTR;
in integer IN_Post_Type;
in integer IN_Window_Type;
However, when doing a script profile, it would appear there is an additional parameter at the end. Looks to be an integer, a long or a boolean. I tried all of them and in, inout, or out with no success.
'RM_Post_Cash_Batch', table 'Batch_Headers', table 'RM_Module_SETP', table 'RM_Keys_MSTR', 3, 2, "TTTFF", 1
What can that last parameter possibly be.
Where can I find the necessary information now?
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