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past due invoices that should be included in the payment run, but do not come forward because the booking date is in the future

Posted on by 207

Hi all,

We have an invoice with document date 02-03-23, due date 16-03-23 and a postal date 01-04-23. When I make the payment proposal I use the settings 'last payment date' 19-03-23.

I would expect to see the invoice because the payment date is before 19-03-23. Instead of this I see the following remark:"There are one or more entries for which no payment suggestions have been made because the posting dates of the entries are later than the requested posting date. Do you want to see the entries?"

I know I can solve this by adjust the payment proposal setting, by postal date 01-04-23. But then all the payments will have postal date 01-04-23. I would like to keep today's booking date.

Does anyone know the best way to solve this?

  • Suggested answer
    Bilal Haider Profile Picture
    Bilal Haider 45 on at
    RE: past due invoices that should be included in the payment run, but do not come forward because the booking date is in the future

    I agree with Narang it's not best practice.

    Somehow Business Central somehow allows you to create an Invoice with due date before posting date. But it does not allow you to create a payment with posting date before Invoice Posting Date.

    The reason why it worked for me is that my work date was after the posting date of Invoice so lines get created. You can also try again by changing your work date to 01-04-23 and use 'last payment date' as 19-03-23 like before.

  • Joel95 Profile Picture
    Joel95 207 on at
    RE: past due invoices that should be included in the payment run, but do not come forward because the booking date is in the future

    Hi Bilal,

    Thank you for your help.

    But I still receive the following remark:"There are one or more entries for which no payment suggestions have been made because the posting dates of the entries are later than the requested posting date. Do you want to see the entries?"

    your suggested solution doesn't seem to work or I must still be doing something wrong.

  • Suggested answer
    NAV_with_Narang Profile Picture
    NAV_with_Narang 2,236 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    RE: past due invoices that should be included in the payment run, but do not come forward because the booking date is in the future

    If you have a look at the date parameters - it doesn't quite make sense. Your accounting date (posting date) is 1-Apr-23 but the invoice was already due on 16-March (15 days before it hit the accounting date?)

    How can your books make sense out of such a situation wherein the invoice was already due before it was realized into the GL? Out straight, it is for a reason you are seeing the error while processing the payment and it quite does not look alright to me. I am no expert accountant but that's not how it should be mapped. Your current scenario shouldn't be solved by any means as it is a bad bookkeeping practice

    What is your business use case?

    Alternatively, you can keep today's posting date, due date of whenever after today and document date of 01-April-2023. This way you can identify your 01-April Invoices easily later. Doing this will have an accounting impact within march 2023.

  • Suggested answer
    Bilal Haider Profile Picture
    Bilal Haider 45 on at
    RE: past due invoices that should be included in the payment run, but do not come forward because the booking date is in the future

    Hi Joel,

    You can use the flag  "Calculate Posting Date from Applies-to-Doc. Due Date" on suggest vendor payments request page.


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