We are looking to find out if anyone has done this, or can suggest if this can be done.
In BC365 we have changed the items price/profit calculation from “profit = price - cost” to be “price = cost + profit” thus enabling us to set the item price with a markup, however, we only have the option to set the markup as a percentage, we want to set this with a monetary value.
Heres an example;
Item A is a cup, we always want to make £5 on a cup.
Item A costs us £5, so we set the profit as £5 and the unit price is obviously then £10.
The next time we buy in a set of cups they have increased to £6.50, so our unit price will now appear as £11.50, as the profit is still set at £5.
We need to do this on a sales item price list, we will configure an RRP sale price list, a trade price list and wholesale price list.
Unfortunately upon checking the price lists we can only configure a unit price and cannot configure any further.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.