I have an error in setting report options, specifically the restrictions. In this specific case, I am setting some options on the purchasing distribution history-detail report. I set an account number restriction as 00-5325-00 and print the report from the report options window fine. I save the report and when I open it back up I get the restriction change for the account number to 0 -5 -00, it is dropping some characters from the account number and it will not run correctly. I was hoping someone could point me to the cause of this error and a solution. Thanks in advance.
Michael Ramsey
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Ok, with the step of changing the field lengths for rm00700, the report options for account numbers is now saving correctly. Thanks all for the help provided.
Hi Michael,
Once you've made the changes manually on the RM00700, please let me know if this solves the issue you were experiencing.
I used PSTL and rebuilt the tables identified. That corrected the field lengths for the account number segments. I also rebuilt the tables for the purchasing series and tried to rebuild the table for the sales series but got the following error:
Unhandled script exception:
Illegal address for field 'RM_Options_ROPT' in script 'GPSTK_RecreateTable'. Script terminated.
It looks like I will have to drop data from the rm00700 table, change the appropriate fields in the table for the account numbers to correct the segment lengths manually.
Please proceed with the 2nd portion of my recommendation:
In a Test system, can you try recreating the following tables using the professional services tools library:
Check that the columns in GL70500 have been updated to accommodate the account length, then attempt to create/save a new report option.
Following is the account format, account maintenance, and the relevant fields data requested for gl70500. The segment lengths in GL70500 are what the old account format was prior to the change as shown in account format setup.
In SQL, please check the table definition of the GL70500. You should see some Starting Account Number and Ending Account Number columns. The column names will be like:
Please let me know what data type they are defined as, for example: Char(5)
In a Test system, can you try recreating the following tables using the professional services tools library:
This will delete your report options, hence mentioning you need to do this in a Test system. Once the tables are recreated, try recreating the report options and let us know the results.
Michael can you post a shot of the Account Format screen, as well as the General Ledger - Account Maintenance screen.
The idea that the account segement that you changed last year is just know giving you issues is hard to believe - not impossible - but just saying that if the account format is correctly changed and updated, then I believe all the formats for all the modules is driven from the Account Format screen.
Besides, it might give someone else some other idea of what is happening.
Below are responses to questions raised
Any chance you can post a screen shot of the error?
Can you duplicate this error every time? Yes
Different users ? Different workstations ? same behavior with different users and different workstations
In addition to Bills questions, could you try running:
1.) Reconcile on Account Format Setup: Tools - Utilities - System - Reconcile
2.) Checklinks on "Report Options" (It's in the Company Series).
ran both steps, behavior is the same.
I basically fully confident that a change in accounting format I did last year with assistance from the communities is the root of this. The account "mask" showing in the report options lines up with the previous account structure prior to the changes made. Somehow I have to update the account format to the reporter functionality. Does anyone know where the account structure for reporting is documented if it is indeed separate from the actual account structure tables?
Hi Michael,
In addition to Bills questions, could you try running:
1.) Reconcile on Account Format Setup: Tools - Utilities - System - Reconcile
2.) Checklinks on "Report Options" (It's in the Company Series).
Any chance you can post a screen shot of the error?
Can you duplicate this error every time? Different users ? Different workstations ?
Just a few of the many questions.
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