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Microsoft Dynamics SL (Archived)

Attempting to Enable Integration in Management Reporter 2012 and it seems like it is running

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I am enabling the integration in management reporter 2012 and it appears that it is running, but I keep getting the following in the deployment log:

System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException]: Parameter siteIntegrationId does not exist in the system.  (Id eacb5c81-1c84-4169-9916-14560aedc63b) (Fault Detail is equal to System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: Parameter siteIntegrationId does not exist in the system.  (Id eacb5c81-1c84-4169-9916-14560aedc63b)).

This appears to be in numerous lines in the deployment log and I don't ever get past it. I am not seeing any Error or Fail message.

Is it running or should I stop it and try to locate the problem?

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  • kmalone43 Profile Picture
    kmalone43 880 on at
    RE: Attempting to Enable Integration in Management Reporter 2012 and it seems like it is running

    We were receiving this same error & it was displayed 30-40 times in the error log.  However, after digging into the log a bit more, there was 1 additional error line stating that there was insufficient space on the disk.  After checking the server, this was indeed the issue & resolved the siteIntegrationId error after addressing.

    Likely won't be the case for everyone but may help some.

  • Suggested answer
    Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Attempting to Enable Integration in Management Reporter 2012 and it seems like it is running

    The only way I have found so far that works every time, is to remove, uninstall and re-build the entire management reporter database.  Steps I took are below.

    1.  Start by exporting the building blocks and ALL settings for ALL companies (make sure you have everything backed up first).

    2.  Disable the integration to the data mart, then remove the datamart.

    3.  Stop the process and application services and then delete the data mart and management reporter databases.

    4.  I also uninstalled both the server and client manager reporter software and re-installed MR again using HF2 as a base and then upgraded to HF3 after first Datamart sync.  Reboot the server as you see fit.  I rebooted after removing everything and before the software re-install.

    5.  Then re-install the managemen reporter software (HF2 version),  follow the wizards to setup process and application services along with the datamart.

    6.  WAIT for the first succsssful sync of the datamart.

    7.  Upgrade to MR HF3 version.

    8.  Then re-build / Import building blocks and settings into the management reporter database from scratch.

    9.  The datamart rebuilds itself during the wizard process.  

    Print reports and verify they are ok.  Hooray, your done and no more errors in the MR logs!


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Attempting to Enable Integration in Management Reporter 2012 and it seems like it is running

    Another thread with similar issue with possible work-around.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Attempting to Enable Integration in Management Reporter 2012 and it seems like it is running

    I am still getting this issue with the latest CU11 - Hotfix3.  Looks like I'll just have to perform this in production and open a Microsoft case to find the magical BAD DATA.  I'll update once I can schedule production to be down and Microsoft fixes it.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Attempting to Enable Integration in Management Reporter 2012 and it seems like it is running

    Liane - I just reverted back to CU10 until Microsoft released another version for CU11.  Microsoft has just released CU11-Hotfix3 on 2/16/2015 and I am in the process of testing it now on my test server.  Link to Management Repoter blog entry below.

    Note: CU11-Hotfix3 requires CU11-Hotfix2 to be installed first.

  • Liane Profile Picture
    Liane on at
    RE: Attempting to Enable Integration in Management Reporter 2012 and it seems like it is running

    Kevin - Did you get your upgrade to CU11 resolved?  What was the resolution?  We are having the same problem.  All works fine on CU10 but having the same issue you did with CU11.  

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Attempting to Enable Integration in Management Reporter 2012 and it seems like it is running

    I am also getting this issue after a successful upgrade from MR2012 CU10 to CU11 version.  If I revert back to CU10, everything worked fine.  Can you shed some more light on what scripts you ran, what was the script output and what you were able to do to correct the errors?

    Above, when I say successful, it means the CU11 upgrade of the MR2012 database and the DDM database displayed a successful message after they were upgraded as part of the installation procedure.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Attempting to Enable Integration in Management Reporter 2012 and it seems like it is running

    I am coming across exactly the same error. Everything seems to be fine with the services and integration however when I review the log I see the same errors over & over. Additionally when I run reports, they seem to be missing data (e.g. seems like all the amounts are not coming thru from GP as expected).

    After speaking to Microsoft support, it was suggested to upgrade to the latest version of Mgmt Reporter. I continued to have other errors. I was asked to run some scripts that ensure the segments are correct within each of the companies that I had in my instance. Once that was cleared out, I was able to recreate a new data mart and setup the integration between Mgmt Reporter & GP. I was then able to pull reports and see the data correctly.

  • Steve Martin Profile Picture
    Steve Martin 90 on at
    RE: Attempting to Enable Integration in Management Reporter 2012 and it seems like it is running


    what exactly was the bad data?  I am experiencing the same messages and cant find said "bad data".



  • Deb Lashua Profile Picture
    Deb Lashua 2,165 on at
    RE: Attempting to Enable Integration in Management Reporter 2012 and it seems like it is running

    Thank you. Yes - we discovered it was due to some bad data.

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