I am enabling the integration in management reporter 2012 and it appears that it is running, but I keep getting the following in the deployment log:
System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException]: Parameter siteIntegrationId does not exist in the system. (Id eacb5c81-1c84-4169-9916-14560aedc63b) (Fault Detail is equal to System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: Parameter siteIntegrationId does not exist in the system. (Id eacb5c81-1c84-4169-9916-14560aedc63b)).
This appears to be in numerous lines in the deployment log and I don't ever get past it. I am not seeing any Error or Fail message.
Is it running or should I stop it and try to locate the problem?
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