After selection multiple sales order from sales order, i want to see that selected order number get display in request page filter of report and then data get displayed for those order numbers, for that what should i do?
After selection multiple sales order from sales order, i want to see that selected order number get display in request page filter of report and then data get displayed for those order numbers, for that what should i do?
Hi, I think there is a reason for Microsoft not to do this, because for customers, different Reports can be set.
But this can be done with a simple customization.
For example:
Test Video:
Source Code:
pageextension 50133 MyExtension extends "Sales Order List" { actions { addfirst(Processing) { action(PrintSelected) { Caption = 'Print Selected'; Image = Print; Promoted = true; PromotedCategory = Process; PromotedIsBig = true; ApplicationArea = All; trigger OnAction() var SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; begin SalesHeader.Reset(); CurrPage.SetSelectionFilter(SalesHeader); if SalesHeader.FindSet() then Report.Run(Report::"Standard Sales - Order Conf.", true, true, SalesHeader); end; } } } }
Hope this will help.
This will definitely take customization. It's also a great idea that you can suggest to Microsoft.
Hello Pooja,
We currently do not have dedicated Dev support via the Dynamics 365 Business Central forums, but I wanted to provide you some additional resources to assist. If you need assistance with debugging or coding I would recommend discussing this on one of our communities:
I will open this up to the community in case they have something to add.
André Arnaud de Cal...
Super User 2025 Season 1
Martin Dráb
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